VMwareHCX Module | Vmware PowerCLI Reference

Getting Started with VMware HCX cmdlets

Provides cmdlets for managing VMware HCX features.

Step 1: Connect to Environment

To setup a connection you should use the Connect-HCXServer command. Run the code sample below to connect.

# Connects to an HCX server by using the User and Password parameters.

Connect-HCXServer -Server $serverAddress -User $user -Password $pass

You can also connect to remote environment by running one of the alternative options to connect below:

Option 1 :

# Connects to an HCX server by using the Credential parameter.

$credential = Get-Credential Connect-HCXServer -Server $serverAddress -Credential $credential

Option 2 :

# Connects to an HCX server and stores the credentials in the credential store.

Connect-HCXServer -Server $serverAddress -Credential -User $user -Password $pass -SaveCredential

Step 2: Retrieve a object by running a Get command

You can READ objects by using Get-HCXAppliance cmdlet. See example below:

# Retrieves the available appliances of type Interconnect, WAN Optimization, and L2Concentrator.
