This cmdlet creates a new vApp network. * To create a direct vApp network, specify the Direct parameter.* To create a routed vApp network, specify the Routed parameter.* To create an isolated vApp network, specify the Routed parameter but do not specify the ParentOrgNetwork parameter.
Required | Parameter Name | Type | Position | Features | Description |
Direct | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that you want to create a vApp network that is directly connected to a parent organization network. When the Direct parameter is specified, you cannot specify the Routed parameter. |
ParentOrgVdcNetwork | OrgNetworkBase | named |
Specifies the parent organization vDC network to which the vApp network connects. Do not specify this parameter if you want to create an isolated vApp network. |
VApp | CIVApp | named |
Specifies the vApp for which you want to create a vApp network. |
optional | ProgressAction | ActionPreference | named |
optional | RunAsync | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task object. For more information about the RunAsync parameter run "help About_RunAsync" in the VMware PowerCLI console. |
optional | Server | CIServer[] | named |
Specifies the cloud servers on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of Connect-CIServer. |
Required | Parameter Name | Type | Position | Features | Description |
Gateway | IPAddress | named |
Specifies the default gateway for the vApp network that you want to create. |
Name | String | named |
Specifies a name for the vApp network that you want to create. |
Netmask | IPAddress | named |
Specifies a network mask for the vApp network that you want to create. |
ParentOrgVdcNetwork | OrgNetworkBase | named |
Specifies the parent organization vDC network to which the vApp network connects. Do not specify this parameter if you want to create an isolated vApp network. |
Routed | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that you want to create a routed network. To create an isolated network, specify the Routed parameter but do not specify the ParentOrgParameter. When the Routed parameter is specified, you cannot specify the Direct parameter. |
VApp | CIVApp | named |
Specifies the vApp for which you want to create a vApp network. |
optional | Description | String | named |
Specifies a description for the vApp network that you want to create. |
optional | DisableFirewall | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that you want to create a vApp network with a deactivated firewall service. By default, when the Routed parameter is specified, the vApp network is created with an activated firewall service. |
optional | DnsSuffix | String | named |
Specifies a DNS suffix for the vApp network that you want to create. |
optional | PrimaryDns | IPAddress | named |
Specifies a primary DNS for the vApp network that you want to create. |
optional | ProgressAction | ActionPreference | named |
optional | RunAsync | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task object. For more information about the RunAsync parameter run "help About_RunAsync" in the VMware PowerCLI console. |
optional | SecondaryDns | IPAddress | named |
Specifies a secondary DNS for the vApp network you want to create. |
optional | Server | CIServer[] | named |
Specifies the cloud servers on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of Connect-CIServer. |
optional | StaticIPPool | IPRangeList | named |
Specifies a range of static IP addresses for the vApp network to allocate to virtual machines. For example, " -, -". |
Example 1
$myVApp = Get-CIVApp -Name 'MyVApp' $parentOrgNetwork = Get-OrgVdcNetwork -Name 'MyParentOrganizationNetwork' New-CIVAppNetwork -ParentOrgNetwork $parentOrgNetwork -VApp $myVApp -Routed -Description 'This is my routed network.' -DnsSuffix '' -Gateway '' -Name 'MyRoutedNetwork' -Netmask '' -PrimaryDns '' -SecondaryDns '' -StaticIPPool ' -'
Creates a new routed vApp network with the specified configuration.
Example 2
$myVApp = Get-CIVApp -Name 'MyVApp' New-CIVAppNetwork -ParentOrgNetwork $null -VApp $myVApp -Routed -Description 'This is my isolated network.' -DnsSuffix '' -Gateway '' -Name 'MyIsolatedNetwork' -Netmask '' -PrimaryDns '' -SecondaryDns '' -StaticIPPool ' -'
Createsa new isolated vApp network with the specified configuration.
Example 3
$myVApp = Get-CIVApp -Name 'MyVApp' $parentOrgNetwork = Get-OrgVdcNetwork -Name 'MyParentOrganizationNetwork' New-CIVAppNetwork -ParentOrgNetwork $parentOrgNetwork -VApp $myVApp -Direct
Creates a new direct vApp network.
Related Commands
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This cmdlet imports a virtual machine from the underlying vSphere to the cloud.
This cmdlet creates a new vApp.
This cmdlet removes vApps from the cloud.
This cmdlet restarts the specified vApp.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified vApps in the cloud.
This cmdlet starts the specified vApp.
This cmdlet stops the specified vApp.
This cmdlet suspends the specified vApp.
This cmdlet restarts the guest operating systems of all virtual machines in the specified vApp.
This cmdlet shuts down the guest operating systems of all virtual machines in the specified vApp.
This cmdlet retrieves the vApp networks available on a vCloud Director server.
This cmdlet creates a new vApp network.
This cmdlet removes the specified vApp networks if they are not in use.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified vApp networks.
This cmdlet retrieves the start rules for virtual machines in a specified vApp.
This cmdlet modifies the start rules for virtual machines in the specified vApp.
This cmdlet retrieves vApp templates.
This cmdlet imports a virtual machine or an OVF package from vCenter Server to vCloud Director as a vApp template.
This cmdlet creates a new vApp template.
This cmdlet removes the specified vApp template.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified vApp template.