CIVApp Category | Vmware PowerCLI Reference

CIV App Category

Cmdlets are usually implemented around resource operations. The four basic operations are CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. This set of operations is known as CRUD. Most of the cmdlets support CRUD which are respectively cmdlets that start with the New/Get/Set/Remove cmdlet verbs but they also may have additional operations

Step 1: Retrieve a object by running a Get command

You can READ objects by using Get-CIVApp cmdlet. See example below:

# Gets all visible VApps for the current user.


Step 2 : Run commands from the CRUD group

You can CREATE objects by using New-CIVApp cmdlet. See example below:

# Creates a new vApp by cloning the specified vApp.

$myVApp = Get-CIVApp -Name 'MySourceVApp' New-CIVApp -Name 'MyClonedVApp' -Description "This is my cloned vApp" -VApp $myVApp
You can UPDATE objects by using Import-CIVApp cmdlet. See example below:

# Imports a virtual machine from vSphere into a new cloud virtual appliance.

Get-OrgVdc 'MyOrganizationVdc' | Import-CIVApp -VM (Get-VM 'MyVMToImport')
You can REMOVE objects by using Remove-CIVApp cmdlet. See example below:

# Removes the specified vApp.

Get-CIVApp -Name 'MyVApp' | Remove-CIVApp

Step 3: Explore More Related Commands:

Get-CIVAppNetwork This cmdlet retrieves the vApp networks available on a vCloud Director server.
Get-CIVAppStartRule This cmdlet retrieves the start rules for virtual machines in a specified vApp.
Get-CIVAppTemplate This cmdlet retrieves vApp templates.
Import-CIVAppTemplate This cmdlet imports a virtual machine or an OVF package from vCenter Server to vCloud Director as a vApp template.
New-CIVAppNetwork This cmdlet creates a new vApp network.
New-CIVAppTemplate This cmdlet creates a new vApp template.
Remove-CIVAppNetwork This cmdlet removes the specified vApp networks if they are not in use.
Remove-CIVAppTemplate This cmdlet removes the specified vApp template.
Restart-CIVApp This cmdlet restarts the specified vApp.
Restart-CIVAppGuest This cmdlet restarts the guest operating systems of all virtual machines in the specified vApp.
Set-CIVApp This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified vApps in the cloud.
Set-CIVAppNetwork This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified vApp networks.
Set-CIVAppStartRule This cmdlet modifies the start rules for virtual machines in the specified vApp.
Set-CIVAppTemplate This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified vApp template.
Start-CIVApp This cmdlet starts the specified vApp.
Stop-CIVApp This cmdlet stops the specified vApp.
Stop-CIVAppGuest This cmdlet shuts down the guest operating systems of all virtual machines in the specified vApp.
Suspend-CIVApp This cmdlet suspends the specified vApp.