A vDC Group holds a list of vDCs that can have a network be stretched across the vDCs.
"id": "string",
"orgId": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"localEgress": false,
"participatingOrgVdcs": [
"vdcRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"orgRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"siteRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"networkProviderScope": "string",
"faultDomainTag": "string",
"remoteOrg": false
"universalNetworkingEnabled": false,
"networkPoolUniversalId": "string",
"networkPoolId": "string",
"type": "string",
"networkProviderType": "string",
"dfwEnabled": false,
"errorMessage": "string",
"networkingTenancyEnabled": false
The unique ID for the vDC Group (read-only).
The organization that this group belongs to.
The name of this group. The name must be unique.
The description of this group.
Determines whether local egress is enabled for a universal router belonging to a NSX-V universal vDC group. This value is used on create if universalNetworkingEnabled is set to true. This cannot be updated. This value is always false for local vDC groups. This does not apply for NSX-T vDC groups.
The list of organization vDCs that are participating in this group. The first participating vDC must belong to the same Organization as the vDC Group, as the networking tenancy setting of the first vDC is used to decide the networking tenancy setting of the vDC Group. Note that if the vDC group has more than 16 existing vDCs, update to this property is ignored. User will need to use the participating vDC API: /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/vdcs.
For a NSX-T vDC group, it means that a NSX-T edge gateway has been added or created for the group. For a NSX-V vDC group, it means that a distributed router has been created for the group. If set to true for NSX-V vdc group creation, a universal router will be created.
The network provider's universal id that is backing the universal network pool. This field is read-only and is derived from the list of participating vDCs if a universal vDC group is created. For NSX-V universal vDC groups, each participating vDC should have a universal network pool that is backed by this same id. This will always be NULL for NSX-T vDC groups.
ID of network pool to use if creating a local vDC group. Must be set if creating a local group. Ignored if creating an universal group.
Defines the group as LOCAL or UNIVERSAL. This cannot be changed. Local vDC Groups can have networks stretched across multiple vDCs in a single Cloud Director instance. Local vDC Groups share the same broadcast domain/transport zone and network provider scope. Universal NSX-V backed vDC groups can have networks stretched across multiple vDCs in a single or multiple Cloud Director instance(s). Universal NSX-V vDC groups are backed by a broadcast domain/transport zone that stretches across a single or multiple Cloud Director instance(s). Universal NSX-T backed vDC groups can have networks stretched across multiple vDCs in a single Cloud Director instance using NSX-T federation.
The values currently supported are NSX_V and NSX_T. Defines the networking provider backing the vDC Group. This is used on create. If not specified, NSX_V value will be used. NSX_V is used for existing vDC Groups and vDC Groups where Cross-VC NSX is used for the underlying technology. NSX_T is used when the networking provider type for the Organization vDCs in the group is NSX-T.
Whether Distributed Firewall is enabled for this vDC Group. Only applicable for NSX_T vDC Groups.
If the group has an error status, a more detailed error message is set here.
Whether this vDC Group is using networking tenancy. This is readonly. This is determined by whether the participating vDCs have networking tenancy enabled on vDC Group creation. After creation, adding vDCs to this group must match what the existing state is. E.g. if networking tenancy is enabled for the vDC Group, then the vDC being added must have networking tenancy enabled.