

An object extension can be assigned to various core Cloud Director objects, at various phases of their related workflows so that they can be customized in behavior. The assignment can be made toward any-, or specific objects of a particular selector type. The assignment is represented by a selector extension. The object extension defines the communication channel between Cloud Director and the extension's backend. It can optionally narrow down the list of selector types to which it applies, otherwise it applies to any selector type.

A selector extension(see selectorTypes below) specifies one or more phases where an extension is assigned. Each phase may be optional and of type BLOCKING or ASYNC. Blocking phases cause the workflow execution to wait for the extension to respond. In case of any errors(either in the communication channel itself, or the extension response), Cloud Director sends a final message of type ErrorMessageEnvelope and will cause the workflow to fail if the extension is not optional.

The communication(request and/or response) between Cloud Director and the extension uses messages of type HalfDuplexEnvelope. The embeded payload is specific to each phase/workflow. The extension may report an error by returning payload of type ExtensionErrorMessage in the envelope.

JSON Example
    "id": "string",
    "channel": {
        "name": "string",
        "id": "string"
    "enabled": false,
    "selectorTypes": [

The unique id of the extension




Only enabled object extensions are considered for the workflow executions.

array of string

An enum set of selector types to which this object extension can be applied. If not specified(missing, null or empty), this extension applies to any selector type. Valid selector types are:

  • urn:selector:providerVdc
  • urn:selector:organizationVdc
  • urn:selector:organization

Create a selector extension to assign an object extension to a group of- or particular objects of a selector type:

HTTP Verb Request URL Prototype Summary
POST host/api/admin/{type}/extension any object of the selector type(default policy)
POST host/api/admin/{type}/{selectorId}/extension specific object of the selector type(overriden policy)

where the mapping between the selector type and the type is:

Selector type type
urn:selector:providerVdc providervdcs
urn:selector:organizationVdc vdcs
urn:selector:organization orgs