"id": "urn:vcloud:serviceEngineGroup:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"serviceEngineGroupBacking": {
"backingId": "serviceenginegroup-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"loadBalancerCloudRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"haMode": "string",
"reservationType": "string",
"maxVirtualServices": 0,
"numDeployedVirtualServices": 0,
"reservedVirtualServices": 0,
"overAllocated": false
The identifier of the Load Balancer Service Engine Groups in URN format
The name of the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
Description of the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
The service engine group's High Availability Mode.
- ELASTIC_N_PLUS_M_BUFFER - Service Engines will scale out to N active nodes with M nodes as buffer.
- ELASTIC_ACTIVE_ACTIVE - Active-Active with scale out.
- LEGACY_ACTIVE_STANDBY - Traditional single Active-Standby configuration
The reservation model for virutal services on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
- DEDICATED - Dedicated to a single Edge Gateway and can only be assigned to a single Edge Gateway.
- SHARED - Shared between multiple Edge Gateways. Can be assigned to multiple Edge Gateways.
The maximum number of virtual services supported on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
The number of virtual services currently deployed on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
The number of virtual services already reserved on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group. This value is the sum of the guaranteed virtual services given to Edge Gateways assigned to the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
Indicates whether the maximum number of virtual services supported on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group has been surpassed by the current number of reserved virtual services.