Connect-OMServer Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet establishes a connection to the VMware Aria Operations server specified by the -Server parameter.The connect and disconnect operations for a server are using a reference counting mechanism. Every server is identified by its connection string which contains server, user name, and authentication source. If there is already an existing connection to the server, a new connection is not established. Instead, the cmdlet returns the object which represents the existing connection. The RefCount property of the object is incremented by one. Note that a new object is not created. Therefore, the RefCount of the previously returned object will be updated as well. When a server is disconnected, then its RefCount property is decreased by one. If this number becomes equal to zero, then the server is disconnected.PowerCLI supports a list of default VMware Aria Operations servers. When an operation is performed, if the target servers cannot be determined from the specified parameters, the cmdlet runs against the servers in the default server list. They are kept in a global variable called $DefaultOMServers. It is of an array type and its initial value is an empty array. When you connect to a server, the server is added at the beginning of the array, unless -NotDefault parameter is specified. When you disconnect from a server, the server is removed from the $DefaultOMServers variable. When all servers are removed from the variable, its value is an empty array. You can modify the value of the $DefaultOMServers variable manually.


-Credential < PSCredential >
-Server < String[] >
[-AuthSource < String > ]
[-Force ]
[-NotDefault ]
[-Port < Int32 > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-SaveCredentials ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Credential PSCredential named
  • pipeline
Specifies a PSCredential object that contains credentials for authenticating with the server. For more information about the server authentication logic of PowerCLI, run "help about_server_authentication".
Server String[] named
Specifies the IP or DNS addresses of the VMware Aria Operations servers you want to connect to.
optional AuthSource String named
Specifies the authentication source type. The default authentication source type value is LocalUser. You can specify ActiveDirectory, OpenLDAP, or VC as authentication source type values.
optional Force SwitchParameter named
Suppresses all user interface prompts during the cmdlet execution.
optional NotDefault SwitchParameter named
Specifies that you do not want to save the specified servers as default servers.
optional Port Int32 named
Specifies the port on the server you want to use for the connection. If not specified, the default port value is 443.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional SaveCredentials SwitchParameter named
Indicates that you want to save the specified credentials in the local credential store.
-Server < String[] >
[-AuthSource < String > ]
[-Force ]
[-NotDefault ]
[-Password < SecureString > ]
[-Port < Int32 > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-SaveCredentials ]
[-User < String > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Server String[] named
Specifies the IP or DNS addresses of the VMware Aria Operations servers you want to connect to.
optional AuthSource String named
Specifies the authentication source type. The default authentication source type value is LocalUser. You can specify ActiveDirectory, OpenLDAP, or VC as authentication source type values.
optional Force SwitchParameter named
Suppresses all user interface prompts during the cmdlet execution.
optional NotDefault SwitchParameter named
Specifies that you do not want to save the specified servers as default servers.
optional Password SecureString named
Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the server. For more information about the server authentication logic of PowerCLI, run "help about_server_authentication". Note: If the password contains special characters, enclose the entire string in single quotes (').
optional Port Int32 named
Specifies the port on the server you want to use for the connection. If not specified, the default port value is 443.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional SaveCredentials SwitchParameter named
Indicates that you want to save the specified credentials in the local credential store.
optional User String named
Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the server. For more information about the server authentication logic of PowerCLI, run "help about_server_authentication". Note: If the user name contains special characters, enclose the entire string in single quotes (').
-Server < String[] >
-SessionSecret < String >
[-Force ]
[-NotDefault ]
[-Port < Int32 > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Server String[] named
Specifies the IP or DNS addresses of the VMware Aria Operations servers you want to connect to.
SessionSecret String named
Specifies the ID of an existing VMware Aria Operations session you want to reestablish.
optional Force SwitchParameter named
Suppresses all user interface prompts during the cmdlet execution.
optional NotDefault SwitchParameter named
Specifies that you do not want to save the specified servers as default servers.
optional Port Int32 named
Specifies the port on the server you want to use for the connection. If not specified, the default port value is 443.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named




Example 1

Connect-OMServer -Server 'server_name' -User 'user_name' -Password 'user_password'

Connects to a VMware Aria Operations server by using the User and Password parameters.

Example 2

Connect-OMServer -Server 'server_name' -AuthSource 'vCenterServer_name_in_vROps' -User 'vCenterServer_admin' -Password 'user_password'

Connects to a VMware Aria Operations server as a vCenter Server user, imported from the monitored vCenter Server system.

Example 3

$srv = Connect-OMServer 'server_name' -User 'admin' -Password 'user_password'

Connect-OMServer 'server_name' -Session $srv.SessionId

Connects to a VMware Aria Operations server with an existing session.

Example 4

$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString 'PlainTextPassword' -AsPlainText -Force
$mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('user_name', $secpasswd)

Connect-OMServer 'server_name' -Credential $mycreds

Connects to a vRealize Operations server by using a credentials object.

Related Commands


This cmdlet establishes a connection to the specified VMware Aria Operations server.

This cmdlet closes the connection to one or more VMware Aria Operations servers.