Transfers APIs
The Transfers service provides operations to copy files into and out of the guest file system.
Create Vm Guest Filesystem
Initiates an operation to transfer a file to or from the guest. If the power state of the Virtual Machine is changed when the file transfer is in progress, or the Virtual Machine is migrated, then the transfer operation is aborted. When transferring a file into the guest and overwriting an existing file, the old file attributes are not preserved. In order to ensure a secure connection to the host when transferring a file using HTTPS, the X.509 certificate for the host must be used to authenticate the remote end of the connection. The certificate of the host that the virtual machine is running on can be retrieved using the following fields: XXX insert link to certificate in Host config XXX if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource VirtualMachine referenced by the parameter vm requires VirtualMachine.GuestOperations.Modify.