Lcm Reports APIs
The Report service provides an operation to download the report generated by the interop and precheck operations. To download a report, you must use the Reports.get operation. A Report.Location structure represents the location of the file which has Report.Token structure which represents the token ID (@name String) and the expiration time of the token Report.Token.expiry DateTime. Report.Location structure also has the URI for the file which needs to be downloaded.
Get Report Lcm
Returns the location Reports.Location information for downloading the report for the specified file name. Retrieving a report involves two steps: - Step 1: Invoke the Reports.get operation to provision a token and a URI. - Step 2: Make an HTTP GET request by using the URI and the token returned in step 1 to retrieve the report. The HTTP GET request will: - Return 401 (Not Authorized) if the download URI is recognized, but the token is invalid, 404 if the URL is not recognized otherwise return 200 (OK) - Provide the CSV contents as the output of the request. The API accepts the file name as input, reads the contents of that CSV file, and returns this text as the result of the API. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - Operation execution requires VcLifecycle.View.