ResourcePool APIs
The ResourcePool service provides operations for manipulating a vCenter Server resource pool. This service does not include virtual appliances in the inventory of resource pools even though part of the behavior of a virtual appliance is to act like a resource pool.
Create Resource Pool
Creates a resource pool. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource ResourcePool referenced by the attribute ResourcePool.CreateSpec.parent requires Resource.CreatePool.
List Resource Pool
Returns information about at most 1000 visible (subject to permission checks) resource pools in vCenter matching the ResourcePool.FilterSpec.
Delete Resource Pool
Deletes a resource pool.
Get Resource Pool
Retrieves information about the resource pool indicated by resourcePool. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource ResourcePool referenced by the parameter resourcePool requires System.Read.
Update Resource Pool
Updates the configuration of a resource pool. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource ResourcePool referenced by the parameter resourcePool requires Resource.EditPool.