Namespace Management Supervisors APIs

Namespace Management Supervisors APIs

The Supervisors service manages the lifecycle of the Supervisor. This interface replaces the Clusters service.

Enable On Compute Cluster Cluster Supervisors
Enable the Supervisor on a single vSphere cluster. This operation sets up the Kubernetes instance for the cluster along with worker nodes. A consumption fault domain zone will automatically be created if the specified cluster is not already associated with a vSphere Zone. To verify if the Supervisor is compatible with this vSphere cluster use: ClusterCompatibility.list. A Supervisor can be running on one or multiple vSphere Zones, and each vSphere Zone is associated with one or more vSphere Clusters. If a Supervisor running on the specified vSphere Cluster is running on additional vSphere Clusters, this operation will apply to Supervisor components running on the other vSphere Clusters in addition to the specified vSphere Cluster. To call this API on a Supervisor with multiple vSphere Clusters, use Topology.get to get the vSphere Clusters associated with the given Supervisor. Any cluster from the list returned can be used as the input of this API.
Enable On Zones Namespace Management Supervisors
Enable a Supervisor on a set of vSphere Zones. The cluster control plane and its workloads will be eligible for placement across the zones. Enabling on multiple zones enables fault tolerance for applications deployed on more than one zone in case of a zone failure. To verify if the Supervisor is compatible with the provided Zones use: ClusterCompatibility.list.