ExternalPool APIs
The ExternalPool service provides operations to send entropy data and query external entropy pool information on an ESX host. Clients can check the entropy level of an ESX host using the ExternalPool.get operation to check #Info#currentlyAvailable. When the entropy level has dropped below a threshold, a client can use the ExternalPool.add operation to add additional entropy until as required.
Add Host Entropy External Pool
Adds additional entropy to the pool. This API will accept maximum (ExternalPool.Info.capacity - ExternalPool.Info.currently-available) bytes of entropy. Extra entropy data sent will be discarded. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource HostSystem referenced by the parameter host requires Host.Entropy.Write.
Get Host Entropy External Pool
Retrieves the entropy pool details of a host including current entropy level. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource HostSystem referenced by the parameter host requires Host.Entropy.Read.