The LibraryItems.EthernetInfo structure contains information about a virtual machine template's virtual Ethernet adapter.
"backing_type": "string",
"mac_type": "string",
"network": "string"
The LibraryItems.EthernetInfo.NetworkBackingType enumerated type defines valid network backing types for a virtual Ethernet adapter.
STANDARD_PORTGROUP : vSphere standard portgroup network backing.
HOST_DEVICE : Legacy host device network backing. Imported VMs may have virtual Ethernet adapters with this type of backing, but this type of backing cannot be used to create or to update a virtual Ethernet adapter.
DISTRIBUTED_PORTGROUP : Distributed virtual switch backing.
OPAQUE_NETWORK : Opaque network backing.
The LibraryItems.EthernetInfo.MacAddressType enumerated type defines the valid MAC address origins for a virtual Ethernet adapter.
MANUAL : MAC address is assigned statically.
GENERATED : MAC address is generated automatically.
ASSIGNED : MAC address is assigned by vCenter Server.
Identifier of the network backing the virtual Ethernet adapter. This field will be unset if the identifier of the network backing could not be determined. When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must be an identifier for the resource type: Network. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will be an identifier for the resource type: Network.