The Cluster.DeploySpec structure contains the deploy specification for the three nodes of a VCHA cluster.
"vc_spec": {
"active_location": {
"hostname": "string",
"port": 0,
"ssl_thumbprint": "string",
"username": "string",
"password": "string"
"deployment": "string",
"active": {
"ha_network_type": "string",
"ha_network": "string",
"ha_ip": {
"ip_family": "string",
"ipv4": {
"address": "string",
"subnet_mask": "string",
"prefix": 0
"ipv6": {
"address": "string",
"prefix": 0
"default_gateway": "string",
"dns_servers": [
"passive": {
"placement": {
"name": "string",
"folder": "string",
"host": "string",
"resource_pool": "string",
"ha_network_type": "Vcha_NetworkType Object",
"ha_network": "string",
"management_network_type": "Vcha_NetworkType Object",
"management_network": "string",
"storage": {
"datastore": "string"
"ha_ip": "Vcha_IpSpec Object",
"failover_ip": "Vcha_IpSpec Object"
"witness": {
"placement": "Vcha_PlacementSpec Object",
"ha_ip": "Vcha_IpSpec Object"
The CredentialsSpec structure contains information to connect to the vCenter server managing the VCHA nodes.
The Cluster.Type enumerated type defines the possible deployment types for a VCHA Cluster.
AUTO : Passive and witness nodes are cloned automatically.
MANUAL : Passive and witness nodes are not cloned automatically. After deployment, the customer should clone the passive and witness virtual machines.
The Cluster.ActiveSpec structure contains the deploy specification for the Active Node of the VCHA cluster.
The Cluster.PassiveSpec structure contains the deploy specification for the Passive Node of the VCHA cluster.
The Cluster.WitnessSpec structure contains the deploy specification for the Witness Node of the VCHA cluster.