The Providers.KeyServerInfo structure contains fields that describe the current configuration of a key server.
"type": "string",
"description": "string",
"proxy_server": {
"hostname": "string",
"port": 0
"connection_timeout": 0,
"kmip_server": {
"servers": [
"name": "string",
"address": "TrustedInfrastructure_NetworkAddress Object"
"username": "string"
The Providers.KeyServerInfo.Type enumerated type list the key server types.
KMIP : Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) based key management server.
Description of the key server.
The NetworkAddress structure contains an IP address or DNS resolvable name and a port on which a connection can be established.
Connection timeout in seconds.
If unset, connection timeout will be unset.
The Providers.KmipServerInfo structure contains fields that describe the current configuration of a KMIP based key server.