Workloads structure describes configuration that affects the behavior and lifecycle of Kubernetes workloads.
"network": "NamespaceManagement_Supervisors_Networks_Workload_Network Object",
"edge": "NamespaceManagement_Networks_Edges_Edge Object",
"kube_API_server_options": {
"security": {
"certificate_dns_names": [
"images": {
"registry": {
"hostname": "string",
"port": 0,
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"certificate_chain": "string"
"repository": "string",
"kubernetes_content_library": "string",
"content_libraries": [
"content_library": "string"
"storage": {
"cloud_native_file_volume": {
"vsan_clusters": [
"ephemeral_storage_policy": "string",
"image_storage_policy": "string"
The workloads describes configuration for the primary workload network.
Workloads will communicate with each other and will reach external networks over this network.
The IP ranges configured on this network are managed primarily within Kubernetes.
Workloads.edge configuration determines how network traffic will enter and leave the cluster.
The IP ranges configured on this network are managed by the Supervisor and the load balancer.
KubeAPIServerOptions declares options for the Kubernetes API Server.
The API server is used to manage workloads on the workload network.
ImageSyncConfig structure describes how the Supervisor Cluster and Kubernetes retrieves VM and container images that will run on the cluster.
WorkloadsStorageConfig structure describes how vSphere and Kubernetes will persist images and volumes to disk.