The Projects.Info structure contains detailed information about a Harbor project.
"name": "string",
"config_status": "string",
"scope": "string",
"creation_time": "string",
"update_time": "string",
"access_url": "string",
"message": {
"id": "string",
"default_message": "string",
"args": [
"params": {
"params": {
"s": "string",
"dt": "string",
"i": 0,
"d": "number",
"l": {
"id": "string",
"params": {
"params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
"format": "string",
"precision": 0
"localized": "string"
Name of the Harbor project. Should be between 1-63 characters long alphanumeric string and may contain the following characters: a-z,0-9, and '-'. Must be starting with characters or numbers, with the '-' character allowed anywhere except the first or last character.
The Projects.ConfigStatus enumerated type describes the status of reaching the desired configuration state for the Harbor project.
PENDING : Harbor project is being created or the configuration is being applied to the project.
REMOVING : The configuration is being removed and Harbor project is being deleted.
ERROR : Failed to create Harbor project or apply the configuration to the project, user intervention needed.
READY : Harbor project is created or configured correctly.
The Projects.Scope enumerated type in a project defines access levels of the project.
PUBLIC : A Harbor project can be accessed by everyone.
PRIVATE : A Harbor project can only be accessed by assigned users.
The date and time when the harbor project creation API was triggered and project identifier generated.
The date and time when the harbor project purge API was triggered. In case no purge was triggered, Projects.Info.update-time is same as Projects.Info.creation-time. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of Projects.Info.config-status is READY.
URL to access the harbor project through docker client. This field is optional and it is only relevant when the value of Projects.Info.config-status is READY.
The LocalizableMessage structure represents localizable string and message template. Services include one or more localizable message templates in the errors they report so that clients can display diagnostic messages in the native language of the user. Services can include localizable strings in the data returned from operations to allow clients to display localized status information in the native language of the user.