Get All External Networks
Get all external networks. Results can be filtered by id, name, backing type (networkBackings.values.backingType) and context (_context). Supported contexts are: Provider vDC ID (_context==providerVdcId) - | Returns all the external networks which are available to a specific Provider vDC. Org vDC ID (_context==orgVdcId) - | Returns all the external networks which are available to a specific Org vDC. vCenter ID And Resource Pool Moref (_context==vCenterId;_context==rpMoref) - | Returns all the external networks accessible to a given vCenter resource pool. Org vDC ID And Edge Deployment Mode (_context==orgVdcId;_context==anEdgeDeploymentMode) - | Returns all the external networks to which an edge gateway can connect. Edge Deployment Mode can be 'standaloneEdgeDeployment' or 'haEdgeDeployment'. Deployment mode specifies whether to use both primary edge cluster and secondary edge cluster or just primary edge cluster to determine external network accessibility. Edge clusters are determined via vDC Network Profile for input Org vDC. Org vDC ID And Dedicatable External Networks (_context==orgVdcId;_context==dedicatable) - | Dedicatable only shows external networks that have no connected Edge Gateways.
Filter for a query. FIQL format.
Field to use for ascending sort
Field to use for descending sort
Page to fetch, zero offset.
Results per page to fetch.
"resultTotal": 0,
"pageCount": 0,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 0,
"associations": [
"entityId": "string",
"associationId": "string"
"values": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"subnets": {
"values": [
"gateway": "string",
"prefixLength": 0,
"dnsSuffix": "string",
"dnsServer1": "string",
"dnsServer2": "string",
"ipRanges": {
"values": [
"startAddress": "string",
"endAddress": "string"
"enabled": false,
"totalIpCount": 0,
"usedIpCount": 0
"networkBackings": {
"values": [
"backingId": "string",
"backingTypeValue": "string",
"networkProvider": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"name": "string",
"parentTier0Ref": {
"id": "2a4ba9ad-e8d5-409c-8cae-c06910cd9b47",
"name": "string"
"totalIpCount": 0,
"usedIpCount": 0,
"dedicatedOrg": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"dedicatedEdgeGateway": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"