Get All Edge Gateways
Get all edge gateways. If "" filter is not specified, then user will see all the edge gateways in the organization they have the right to view. Results can be filtered by ownerRef. Combination of ownerRef and _context. (_context==includeAccessible)
can be used to get all the edge gateways which are available to an Org vDC including the gateways which are owned by datacenter groups but available to Org vDC.
Filter for a query. FIQL format.
Field to use for ascending sort
Field to use for descending sort
Page to fetch, zero offset.
Results per page to fetch.
"resultTotal": 0,
"pageCount": 0,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 0,
"associations": [
"entityId": "string",
"associationId": "string"
"values": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"edgeGatewayUplinks": [
"uplinkId": "string",
"uplinkName": "string",
"subnets": {
"values": [
"gateway": "string",
"prefixLength": 0,
"dnsSuffix": "string",
"dnsServer1": "string",
"dnsServer2": "string",
"ipRanges": {
"values": [
"startAddress": "string",
"endAddress": "string"
"enabled": false,
"totalIpCount": 0,
"usedIpCount": 0,
"primaryIp": "string",
"autoAllocateIpRanges": false
"connected": false,
"quickAddAllocatedIpCount": 0,
"dedicated": false,
"vrfLiteBacked": false
"distributedRoutingEnabled": false,
"nonDistributedRoutingEnabled": false,
"orgVdcNetworkCount": 0,
"gatewayBacking": {
"backingId": "string",
"networkProvider": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"orgVdc": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"ownerRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"orgRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"serviceNetworkDefinition": "string",
"distributedRouterUplinkNetworkDefinition": "string",
"edgeClusterConfig": {
"primaryEdgeCluster": {
"edgeClusterRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"backingId": "string"
"secondaryEdgeCluster": {
"edgeClusterRef": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string"
"backingId": "string"