Remediation Create Policy
This API is used for creating a new remediation rule. Fields "created_on" and "last_updated" are read-only and can't be updated. Any missing non mandatory field in udpate request, will be set to default values.
policy name.
Show optional properties
"action_name": "slack_action",
"events": [
"class": "KubernetesPod",
"name": "Failed",
"type": "event"
"policy_name": "CheckManualFilterPolicy1",
"policy_type": "manual"
"policy_name": "string",
"policy_type": "manual",
"action_name": "string",
"action_params": "string",
"events": [
"conditions": [
"created_on": "string",
"last_updated": "string"
remediation rule name
either manual or automated
Name of the remediation action
optional field for multi event rules
JSON list of dicts containing class, name and type fields.
JSON list of dicts containing propName, operation and propValue fields.
rule creation timestamp
rule last update timestamp
"action_name": "slack_action",
"action_params": "",
"conditions": [
"operation": "equals",
"propName": "Active",
"propValue": "true"
"created_on": "21 Nov, 2022, 00:42:45 UTC",
"description": "check servertools filterset",
"events": [
"class": "KubernetesPod",
"name": "Failed",
"type": "event"
"last_updated": "21 Nov, 2022, 00:42:45 UTC",
"policy_name": "CheckManualFilterPolicy1",
"policy_type": "manual"
remediation rule name
either manual or automated
Name of the remediation action
optional field for multi event rules
JSON list of dicts containing class, name and type fields.
JSON list of dicts containing propName, operation and propValue fields.
rule creation timestamp
rule last update timestamp
Invalid Request sent by the user
Internal server error