Get Aws Storage Profile
Get AWS storage profile with a given id
The ID of storage profile.
The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /iaas/api/about
successful operation
"owner": "[email protected]",
"deviceType": "ebs / instance-store",
"volumeType": "gp2 / io1 / sc1 / st1 / standard",
"supportsEncryption": false,
"externalRegionId": "us-east-1",
"description": "my-description",
"orgId": "9e49",
"tags": [
"value": "string",
"key": "string"
"organizationId": "deprecated",
"createdAt": "2012-09-27",
"name": "my-name",
"iops": "2000",
"id": "9e49",
"defaultItem": false,
"updatedAt": "2012-09-27"
Email of the user that owns the entity.
Indicates the type of storage device.
Indicates the type of volume associated with type of storage device.
HATEOAS of the entity
Indicates whether this storage profile supports encryption or not.
The id of the region for which this profile is defined
A human-friendly description.
The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
This field is deprecated. Use orgId instead. The id of the organization this entity belongs to.
Date when the entity was created. The date is in ISO 6801 and UTC.
A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this option.
Indicates maximum I/O operations per second in range(1-20,000).
The id of this resource instance
Indicates whether this storage profile is default or not..
Date when the entity was last updated. The date is ISO 8601 and UTC.
Not Found