Get Task Status Using GET
In general, to get the status of any long running operations, the operation must have been initiated through the vRealize Operations Manager REST API. This API returns the status of a specific task that was initiated via the REST API with the exception of tasks that get created when any Remediation Action is performed via the api/actions
The id of the task
Task status with the specified identifier
"createdTime": 0,
"description": "string",
"errorMessages": [
"lastUpdateTime": 0,
"links": [
"description": "string",
"href": "string",
"name": "string",
"rel": "string"
"statusMessage": "string",
"taskId": "string",
"taskState": "string"
Task status creation time, in milliseconds (since midnight January 1, 1970)
A description for the task
List of error messages that occurred
Task status last update time, in milliseconds (since midnight January 1, 1970)
Optional status message
The task identifier
The state of the task
No Task is found with the specified identifier