VMware vRealize Operations API
Getting Started
Welcome to the vRealize Operations API Reference Guide. This guide contains information about the APIs that you can use to interact with vRealize Operations. This information includes API authentication, status codes, rate limiting, and usage examples.Authentication
vRealize Operations requires API requests to be authenticated. The first step in this workflow is to obtain an authentication token.Obtain Authentication Token
The first setup is to acquire an authentication token using the following API: POST Acquire TokenUsing API Tokens
On subsequent API calls you will need to include the token returned in the above call using an HTTP header as follows: Authorization: vRealizeOpsToken <token_value>
Handling Token Expiration
The API response will include the validity and expiresAt keys indicating the expiration details of the token. After this expiration period, subsequent calls to any vRealize Operations API will return the following error: {
"message": "The provided token for auth scheme \"vRealizeOpsToken\" is either invalid or has expired.",
"httpStatusCode": 401,
"apiErrorCode": 1512
When an API call fails with the above error, your script/program must acquire a token again, and afterwards use the newly retrieved one.
Status Codes
Refer the following table for generic status codes that apply to all the APIs. For more information, see the HTTP status code registry from the Related Files.HTTP Status Code | Error Code | Description |
301 | Moved | The requested resource must be accessed through the returned URI in the location header. |
401 | Unauthorized | The credentials could not be verified. |
403 | Forbidden | This operation is not allowed for your account type or the user does not have the role capability to perform this action. |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource could not be found. |
405 | Method Unsupported | Unsupported method for URL. |
415 | Content Type Invalid | Invalid content type. |
429 | Rate Limit Exceeded | The API request has exceeded the rate limit. For more information, refer the Rate Limiting/Concurrency guide. |
500 | Internal Error | Internal server error. |
503 | Service Unavailable | Service is currently unavailable. |
Rate Limiting/Concurrency
There is a configured throttle of 300 concurrent requests with an additional throttle of 50 concurrent requests from a single client (defined as an IP address).REST API Usage Examples
To get the adapter kinds, make a GET call that returns the adapter kind collection available in the environment.1. Make a GET call. On success, you will get back all the available adapter kinds in the response.
"adapter-kind": [
"key": "ADAPTER_KEY",
"adapterKindType": "TYPE",
"describeVersion": 10,
"identifiers": [],
"resourceKinds": [
2. Make a GET call with the desired adapter kind got from the above API call and retrieve all the resources having that adapter kind.
"pageInfo": {
"totalCount": 1015,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 1000
"resourceList": [{
"creationTime": 1664767508088,
"resourceKey": {
"name": "RES_NAME",
"adapterKindKey": "ADAPTER_KEY",
"resourceKindKey": "RESOURCE_KIND",
"resourceIdentifiers": [ ... ]
"resourceStatusStates": [ ... ],
"identifier": "00697a47-a16b-4515-92e2-3567bc2c71e3"
Getting Started with vRealize Operation REST APIs
vRealize Operations delivers a unified management platform to optimize, plan, and scale hybrid cloud deployments from applications to infrastructure, powered by AI/ML, as a service.The vRealize Operations APIs provide information to developers who wish to build programmatic clients of vRealize Operations.
The information here is available for the On-prem and Cloud versions of vRealize Operations. The APIs follow the REST style and are available to all licensed users.