

Some applications maintain state and require all relevant connections to be sent to the same server as the application state is not synchronized among servers. Persistence is enabled on a LBVirtualServer by binding a persistence profile to it. LBGenericPersistenceProfile cannot be attached to LBVirtualServer directly, it can be specified in LBVariablePersistenceOnAction or LBVariablePersistenceLearnAction in LBRule. If a user attaches a LBGenericPersistenceProfile directly to a virtual server, the operation is rejected.

This class requires all of the following:
JSON Example
    "_links": [
            "action": "string",
            "href": "string",
            "rel": "string"
    "_schema": "string",
    "_self": {
        "action": "string",
        "href": "string",
        "rel": "string"
    "_revision": 0,
    "_create_time": 0,
    "_create_user": "string",
    "_last_modified_time": 0,
    "_last_modified_user": "string",
    "_protection": "string",
    "_system_owned": false,
    "description": "string",
    "display_name": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "resource_type": "string",
    "tags": [
            "scope": "string",
            "tag": "string"
    "parent_path": "string",
    "path": "string",
    "relative_path": "string",
    "children": [
            "_links": [
                    "action": "string",
                    "href": "string",
                    "rel": "string"
            "_schema": "string",
            "_self": {
                "action": "string",
                "href": "string",
                "rel": "string"
            "_revision": 0,
            "_create_time": 0,
            "_create_user": "string",
            "_last_modified_time": 0,
            "_last_modified_user": "string",
            "_protection": "string",
            "_system_owned": false,
            "description": "string",
            "display_name": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "resource_type": "string",
            "tags": [
                    "scope": "string",
                    "tag": "string"
            "marked_for_delete": false
    "marked_for_delete": false,
    "persistence_shared": false