"destination_group": "string",
"direction": "string",
"encapsulation_type": "string",
"erspan_id": 0,
"gre_key": 0,
"profile_type": "string",
"snap_length": 0
Data from source group will be copied to members of destination group. Only IPSET group and group with membership criteria VM is supported. IPSET group allows only three ip's.
Port mirroring profile direction
User can provide Mirror Destination type e.g GRE, ERSPAN_TWO or ERSPAN_THREE.If profile type is REMOTE_L3_SPAN, encapsulation type is used else ignored.
Used by physical switch for the mirror traffic forwarding. Must be provided and only effective when encapsulation type is ERSPAN type II or type III.
User-configurable 32-bit key only for GRE
Allows user to select type of port mirroring session.
If this property is set, the packet will be truncated to the provided length. If this property is unset, entire packet will be mirrored.