
JSON Example
    "host_match": "string",
    "lb_virtual_server": "string",
    "match_strategy": "string",
    "path_match": "string",
    "sequence_number": 0

This condition is used to match HTTP request messages by the specific HTTP header field, Host. The Host request header specifies the domain name of the server. The supplied Host HTTP header match condition will be matched as a regular expression. The regular expressions in load balancer rules use the features common to both Java regular expressions and Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCREs) with some restrictions. Reference http://www.pcre .org for PCRE and the NSX-T Administrator's Guide for the restrictions. Please note, when regular expressions are used in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string, every backslash character () needs to be escaped by one additional backslash character.


The path of PolicyLbVirtualServer to bind to this PolicyLbRule and its Group


If more than one match condition is specified, then matching strategy determines if all conditions should match or any one condition should match for the LB Rule to be considered a match.

  • ALL indicates that both host_match and path_match must match for this PolicyLbRule to be considered a match
  • ANY indicates that either host_match or patch match may match for this PolicyLbRule to be considered a match
Possible values are : ALL, ANY,

This condition is used to match URIs(Uniform Resource Identifier) of HTTP request messages. The URI field can be specified as a regluar expression. If an HTTP request message is requesting an URI which matches specified regular expression, it matches the condition. The syntax of whole URI looks like this: scheme:[//[user[:password]@]host[:port]][/path][?query][#fragment] This condition matches only the path part of entire URI. The path_match field is used as a regular expression to match URI path of HTTP requests. For example, to match any URI that has "/image/" or "/images/", uri field can be specified as: "/image[s]?/". The regular expressions in load balancer rules use the features common to both Java regular expressions and Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCREs) with some restrictions. Reference http://www.pcre .org for PCRE and the NSX-T Administrator's Guide for the restrictions. Please note, when regular expressions are used in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string, every backslash character () needs to be escaped by one additional backslash character.

integer As int32 As int32

This field is used to resolve conflicts between multiple PolicyLbRules associated with a single PolicyLbVirtualServer and will be applied numerically or low to high