"fall_count": 0,
"interval": 0,
"monitor_port": 0,
"rise_count": 0,
"timeout": 0
Only if a healthcheck fails consecutively for a specified number of times, given with fall_count, to a member will the member status be marked DOWN.
Active healthchecks are initiated periodically, at a configurable interval (in seconds), to each member of the Group.
Typically, monitors perform healthchecks to Group members using the member IP address and pool_port. However, in some cases, customers prefer to run healthchecks against a different port than the pool member port which handles actual application traffic. In such cases, the port to run healthchecks against can be specified in the monitor_port value. For ICMP monitor, monitor_port is not required.
Once a member is DOWN, a specified number of consecutive successful healthchecks specified by rise_count will bring the member back to UP state.
Timeout specified in seconds. After a healthcheck is initiated, if it does not complete within a certain period, then also the healthcheck is considered to be unsuccessful. Completing a healthcheck within timeout means establishing a connection (TCP or SSL), if applicable, sending the request and receiving the response, all within the configured timeout.