
JSON Example
    "expression": [
            "_links": [
                    "action": "string",
                    "href": "string",
                    "rel": "string"
            "_schema": "string",
            "_self": {
                "action": "string",
                "href": "string",
                "rel": "string"
            "_revision": 0,
            "_create_time": 0,
            "_create_user": "string",
            "_last_modified_time": 0,
            "_last_modified_user": "string",
            "_protection": "string",
            "_system_owned": false,
            "description": "string",
            "display_name": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "resource_type": "string",
            "tags": [
                    "scope": "string",
                    "tag": "string"
            "parent_path": "string",
            "path": "string",
            "relative_path": "string",
            "children": [
                    "_links": [
                            "action": "string",
                            "href": "string",
                            "rel": "string"
                    "_schema": "string",
                    "_self": {
                        "action": "string",
                        "href": "string",
                        "rel": "string"
                    "_revision": 0,
                    "_create_time": 0,
                    "_create_user": "string",
                    "_last_modified_time": 0,
                    "_last_modified_user": "string",
                    "_protection": "string",
                    "_system_owned": false,
                    "description": "string",
                    "display_name": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "resource_type": "string",
                    "tags": [
                            "scope": "string",
                            "tag": "string"
                    "marked_for_delete": false
            "marked_for_delete": false
    "extended_expression": [
            "_links": [
                    "action": "string",
                    "href": "string",
                    "rel": "string"
            "_schema": "string",
            "_self": {
                "action": "string",
                "href": "string",
                "rel": "string"
            "_revision": 0,
            "_create_time": 0,
            "_create_user": "string",
            "_last_modified_time": 0,
            "_last_modified_user": "string",
            "_protection": "string",
            "_system_owned": false,
            "description": "string",
            "display_name": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "resource_type": "string",
            "tags": [
                    "scope": "string",
                    "tag": "string"
            "parent_path": "string",
            "path": "string",
            "relative_path": "string",
            "children": [
                    "_links": [
                            "action": "string",
                            "href": "string",
                            "rel": "string"
                    "_schema": "string",
                    "_self": {
                        "action": "string",
                        "href": "string",
                        "rel": "string"
                    "_revision": 0,
                    "_create_time": 0,
                    "_create_user": "string",
                    "_last_modified_time": 0,
                    "_last_modified_user": "string",
                    "_protection": "string",
                    "_system_owned": false,
                    "description": "string",
                    "display_name": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "resource_type": "string",
                    "tags": [
                            "scope": "string",
                            "tag": "string"
                    "marked_for_delete": false
            "marked_for_delete": false
    "state": "string"
array of Expression

The expression list must follow below criteria:

  1. A non-empty expression list, must be of odd size. In a list, with indices starting from 0, all non-conjunction expressions must be at even indices, separated by a conjunction expression at odd indices.
  2. The total of ConditionExpression and NestedExpression in a list should not exceed 5.
  3. The total of IPAddressExpression, MACAddressExpression, external IDs in an ExternalIDExpression and paths in a PathExpression must not exceed
  4. Each expression must be a valid Expression. See the definition of the Expression type for more information.
array of Expression

Extended Expression allows additional higher level context to be specified for grouping criteria. (e.g. user AD group) This field allow users to specified user context as the source of a firewall rule for IDFW feature. Current version only support a single IdentityGroupExpression. In the future, this might expand to support other conjunction and non-conjunction expression.

The extended expression list must follow below criteria:

  1. Contains a single IdentityGroupExpression. No conjunction expression is supported.
  2. No other non-conjunction expression is supported, except for IdentityGroupExpression.
  3. Each expression must be a valid Expression. See the definition of the Expression type for more information.
  4. Extended expression are implicitly AND with expression.
  5. No nesting can be supported if this value is used.
  6. If a Group is using extended expression, this group must be the only member in the source field of an communication map.

Realization state of this group

Possible values are : IN_PROGRESS, SUCCESS, FAILURE,
Used By