List Problem Events
List problem events.
Page size of results
Cursor from previous response
Start time for query in epoch seconds
End time for query in epoch seconds
Type of event, e.g UserDefinedProblemEvent
Event tags
Status of event open or closed
Events that were created or updated or closed between this time and update_time_to, in seconds
Events that were created or updated or closed between update_time_from and this time, in seconds
Event severity filter
The entity ID of the manager of entity on which event is raised
"results": [
"entity_id": "string",
"entity_type": "VirtualMachine",
"time": 0
"cursor": "ML12eu02==",
"total_count": 100,
"start_time": 1504739809,
"end_time": 1504739809
Cursor for the next page
Total number of objects returned
Start timestamp of the window of the objects returned
End timestamp of the window of the objects returned
Bad Request
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"details": [
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"target": [
Internal Error