Spec contains parameters for vCenter
"licenseFile": "string",
"vcenterIp": "",
"vcenterHostname": "",
"rootVcenterPassword": "Sample_Password123",
"vmSize": "medium",
"storageSize": "lstorage",
"sshThumbprint": "SHA256:rVPNWOKE2tZjvmYvKPhtc3ghJ41Vc0G3MwASf4+8+yc",
"sslThumbprint": "3D:D0:EE:B5:A0:CC:45:08:5C:4F:84:51:CD:00:B6:41:BB:4A:A2:9A:77:1C:A6:4C:6D:84:5A:D0:4F:68:7A:B8"
License File/Key
vCenter IP address. Can be omitted if hostname is provided.
vCenter hostname address.
vCenter root password. The password must be between 8 characters and 20 characters long. It must also contain at least one uppercase and lowercase letter, one number, and one character from '! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { Ι } ~' and all characters must be ASCII. Space is not allowed in password. For VCF only: if blank, the SDDC Local Admin Password will be used.
vCenter Virtual Machine size. One among:xlarge, large, medium, small, tiny
vCenter Virtual Machine Storage size. One among:lstorage, xlstorage
vCenter Server SSH thumbprint (RSA SHA256). This is only for VCF on VxRail
vCenter Server SSL thumbprint (SHA256). This is only for VCF on VxRail