Content Trusted Certificates APIs
The TrustedCertificates service provides operations to create, modify, delete and read trusted certificates.
Create Content Trusted Certificates
Adds a certificate to content library trust store. This API has to be invoked separately for each certificate block - (BEGIN_CERTIFICATE ... END_CERTIFICATE) if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - Operation execution requires ContentLibrary.AddCertToTrustStore.
List Content Trusted Certificates
Returns TrustedCertificates.ListResult structure. All content library's trusted certificates. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - Operation execution requires System.Read.
Delete Certificate Content Trusted Certificates
Deletes the trusted certificate from content library's trust store for a given identifier. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource com.vmware.content.TrustedCertificate referenced by the parameter certificate requires ContentLibrary.DeleteCertFromTrustStore.
Get Certificate Content Trusted Certificates
Retrieves a trusted certificate for a given certificate id. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource com.vmware.content.TrustedCertificate referenced by the parameter certificate requires System.Read.