SubscribedLibrary APIs
Create Content Subscribed Library
Creates a new subscribed library. Once created, the subscribed library will be empty. If the LibraryModel.subscription-info property is set, the Content Library Service will attempt to synchronize to the remote source. This is an asynchronous operation so the content of the published library may not immediately appear. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - Operation execution requires ContentLibrary.CreateSubscribedLibrary. - The resource Datastore referenced by the attribute StorageBacking.datastore-id requires Datastore.AllocateSpace.
List Content Subscribed Library
Returns the identifiers of all subscribed libraries in the Content Library. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - Operation execution requires System.Read.
Delete Library Id Content Subscribed Library
Deletes the specified subscribed library. Deleting a subscribed library will remove the entry immediately and begin an asynchronous task to remove all cached content for the library. If the asynchronous task fails, file content may remain on the storage backing. This content will require manual removal. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource com.vmware.content.Library referenced by the parameter libraryId requires ContentLibrary.DeleteSubscribedLibrary.
Get Library Id Content Subscribed Library
Returns a given subscribed library. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource com.vmware.content.Library referenced by the parameter libraryId requires System.Read.
Update Library Id Content Subscribed Library
Updates the properties of a subscribed library. This is an incremental update to the subscribed library. Fields that are unset in the update specification will be left unchanged. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource com.vmware.content.Library referenced by the parameter libraryId requires ContentLibrary.UpdateSubscribedLibrary.
Evict Library Id Subscribed Library
Evicts the cached content of an on-demand subscribed library. This operation allows the cached content of a subscribed library to be removed to free up storage capacity. This operation will only work when a subscribed library is synchronized on-demand. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource com.vmware.content.Library referenced by the parameter libraryId requires ContentLibrary.EvictSubscribedLibrary.
Probe Content Subscribed Library
Probes remote library subscription information, including URL, SSL certificate and password. The resulting SubscribedLibrary.ProbeResult structure describes whether or not the subscription configuration is successful. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - Operation execution requires ContentLibrary.ProbeSubscription.
Sync Library Id Subscribed Library
Forces the synchronization of the subscribed library. Synchronizing a subscribed library forcefully with this operation will perform the same synchronization behavior as would run periodically for the library. The SubscriptionInfo.on-demand setting is respected. Calling this operation on a library that is already in the process of synchronizing will have no effect. if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows: - The resource com.vmware.content.Library referenced by the parameter libraryId requires ContentLibrary.SyncLibrary.