Upgrades APIs

Upgrades APIs

APIs for managing Upgrades

Table of Contents

1. Perform Upgrade

Perform Upgrade API is used to perform upgrades. Upgrades are sequential. So in order to upgrade to a release, your environment must be on the version before that release. Upgrades are applied on a workload domain basis. The management domain contains the core infrastructure, so you must upgrade the management domain before upgrading the other workload domains. You must upgrade all required components to keep your system in an optimum state.

Note : Performing upgrades are supported on VMware Cloud Foundation 3.5 BOM resources and above.

1.1. Steps to Perform Upgrade. API

  1. Download the required bundle.

  2. Execute Get the Upgradables API to retrieve the list of upgradables (bundle and resource detail) in the system.

  3. Execute Prechecks API to perform required system level health checks.

  4. Perform upgrade and monitor the upgrade progress.

2. Domain Upgrade API

2.1. Prerequisites API

The following data is required:

  • Bundle ID.

  • Resource Type. Ex: DOMAIN.

  • One or more Resource upgrade specifications.

  • Each Resource upgrade specification should contain.

    • Resource ID. Ex: Domain ID.

    • Upgrade scheduled time or Upgrade now option.

The following data is optional:

  • A boolean for parallel ESXi upgrade (default is 'true')

Tip : Refer to: UpgradeSpec and ResourceUpgradeSpec.

2.2. Steps API

  • Invoke the API. This API returns a task which can be polled and monitored.

cURL Request

$ curl 'https://sfo-vcf01.rainpole.io/v1/upgrades' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....' \
    -d '{
  "bundleId" : "15727f9a-db55-4102-9bd0-57f2c8ba2de0",
  "resourceType" : "DOMAIN",
  "parallelUpgrade" : true,
  "resourceUpgradeSpecs" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "12fd6423-00db-474f-8b61-be184505e455",
    "scheduledTimestamp" : "2024-06-21T02:47:45.351Z",
    "upgradeNow" : false,
    "esxUpgradeOptionsSpec" : {
      "enableQuickboot" : true
  } ]

HTTP Request

POST /v1/upgrades HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 361
Host: sfo-vcf01.rainpole.io
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

  "bundleId" : "15727f9a-db55-4102-9bd0-57f2c8ba2de0",
  "resourceType" : "DOMAIN",
  "parallelUpgrade" : true,
  "resourceUpgradeSpecs" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "12fd6423-00db-474f-8b61-be184505e455",
    "scheduledTimestamp" : "2024-06-21T02:47:45.351Z",
    "upgradeNow" : false,
    "esxUpgradeOptionsSpec" : {
      "enableQuickboot" : true
  } ]

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Location: /v1/tasks/36c77d80-d193-4e95-88b5-7e0f6cc30bec
Content-Length: 503

  "id" : "36c77d80-d193-4e95-88b5-7e0f6cc30bec",
  "name" : "Upgrade DOMAIN - [acme-domain] using BUNDLE - PSC:6.7.0-13010631 VCENTER:6.7.0-13010631",
  "type" : "UPGRADE",
  "status" : "IN_PROGRESS",
  "creationTimestamp" : "2024-06-21T02:47:45.350Z",
  "resources" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "12fd6423-00db-474f-8b61-be184505e455",
    "type" : "DOMAIN"
  }, {
    "resourceId" : "15727f9a-db55-4102-9bd0-57f2c8ba2de0",
    "type" : "BUNDLE"
  } ],
  "isCancellable" : false,
  "isRetryable" : false
  • Poll the status of the task using the task API with the ID from the response of the previous API.

Tip : Refer to: Get a Task.

3. Cluster Upgrade API

Note : For Cluster level upgrades, the Cluster ID's can be retrieved based on the Host's that are available for upgrade, Refer to: Get the Hosts and Get the Clusters API's.

3.1. Prerequisites API

The following data is required:

  • Bundle ID.

  • Resource Type. Ex: CLUSTER.

  • One or more Resource upgrade specifications.

  • Each Resource upgrade specification should contain.

    • Resource ID. Ex: Cluster ID.

    • Upgrade scheduled time or Upgrade now option.

The following data is optional:

  • A boolean for parallel ESXi upgrade (default is 'true')

Tip : Refer to: UpgradeSpec and ResourceUpgradeSpec.

3.2. Steps API

  • Invoke the API. This API returns a task which can be polled and monitored.

cURL Request

$ curl 'https://sfo-vcf01.rainpole.io/v1/upgrades' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....' \
    -d '{
  "bundleId" : "15727f9a-db55-4102-9bd0-57f2c8ba2de0",
  "resourceType" : "CLUSTER",
  "parallelUpgrade" : true,
  "resourceUpgradeSpecs" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "7013204b-2fae-4dec-9128-ba480625a846",
    "scheduledTimestamp" : "2024-06-21T03:47:49.357Z",
    "upgradeNow" : false,
    "esxUpgradeOptionsSpec" : {
      "esxUpgradeFailureAction" : {
        "retryDelay" : 0,
        "retryCount" : 0,
        "action" : "FAIL"
      "enforceHclValidation" : true,
      "enableQuickPatch" : false,
      "enableQuickboot" : true,
      "disableHac" : true,
      "disableDpm" : true,
      "preRemediationPowerAction" : "DO_NOT_CHANGE_POWER_STATE"
  } ]

HTTP Request

POST /v1/upgrades HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 675
Host: sfo-vcf01.rainpole.io
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

  "bundleId" : "15727f9a-db55-4102-9bd0-57f2c8ba2de0",
  "resourceType" : "CLUSTER",
  "parallelUpgrade" : true,
  "resourceUpgradeSpecs" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "7013204b-2fae-4dec-9128-ba480625a846",
    "scheduledTimestamp" : "2024-06-21T03:47:49.357Z",
    "upgradeNow" : false,
    "esxUpgradeOptionsSpec" : {
      "esxUpgradeFailureAction" : {
        "retryDelay" : 0,
        "retryCount" : 0,
        "action" : "FAIL"
      "enforceHclValidation" : true,
      "enableQuickPatch" : false,
      "enableQuickboot" : true,
      "disableHac" : true,
      "disableDpm" : true,
      "preRemediationPowerAction" : "DO_NOT_CHANGE_POWER_STATE"
  } ]

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Location: /v1/tasks/36c77d80-d193-4e95-88b5-7e0f6cc30bec
Content-Length: 481

  "id" : "36c77d80-d193-4e95-88b5-7e0f6cc30bec",
  "name" : "Upgrade DOMAIN - [acme-domain] using BUNDLE - HOST:6.7.0-13006603",
  "type" : "UPGRADE",
  "status" : "IN_PROGRESS",
  "creationTimestamp" : "2024-06-21T02:47:49.356Z",
  "resources" : [ {
    "resourceId" : "12fd6423-00db-474f-8b61-be184505e455",
    "type" : "DOMAIN"
  }, {
    "resourceId" : "15727f9a-db55-4102-9bd0-57f2c8ba2de0",
    "type" : "BUNDLE"
  } ],
  "isCancellable" : false,
  "isRetryable" : false
  • Poll the status of the task using the task API with the ID from the response of the previous API.

Tip : Refer to: Get a Task.

[_getupgradables] API [_startprecheck] API [_getprechecktask] API [_performupgrade] API [_gettasks] API [_gettask] API
Last updated 2024-06-21 01:22:12 -0700

Get Upgrade By Id
Retrieve an upgrade by ID
Get Upgrade Precheck By ID
Retrieve an upgrade precheck task by ID
Get Upgrades
Retrieve a list of upgrades
Perform Upgrade
Start an upgrade operation
Start Upgrade Precheck
Start an upgrade precheck operation
Update Upgrade Schedule
Change a DRAFT upgrade to a SCHEDULED state