Put Info Type Subscription
Create or udpate a subscription that allows the requestor to receive notifications at the provided status_result_uri
when any data or info types known to the DMS change their status.
The identifier of the subscription.
"id": "string",
"owner": "string",
"status_result_uri": "string"
Unique Id identifying the subscription.
Name of the rapp or service subscribing for the info type notifications.
Callback URI that the DMS can invoke to notify the status of the info types.
Subscription successfully updated.
Subscription successfully created.
Malformed request body, subscription not created or updated.
"type": "string",
"title": "string",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Required field 'counter_names' missing.",
"instance": "string"
A URI representing the type of the problem.
A short summary of the error.
The HTTP Response code associated with this error.
A detailed description of the error.
An optional URI of the instance involved in the problem.