Settings for Automated farm.
"customization_settings": {
"ad_container_rdn": "CN=Computers",
"cloneprep_customization_settings": {
"post_synchronization_script_name": "cloneprep_postsync_script",
"post_synchronization_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"power_off_script_name": "cloneprep_poweroff_script",
"power_off_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"priming_computer_account": "a219420d-4799-4517-8f78-39c74c7c4efc"
"instant_clone_domain_account_id": "6f85b3a5-e7d0-4ad6-a1e3-37168dd1ed51",
"reuse_pre_existing_accounts": false
"enable_provisioning": true,
"image_source": "VIRTUAL_CENTER",
"max_session_type": "LIMITED",
"max_sessions": 50,
"min_ready_vms": 0,
"nics": [
"network_interface_card_id": "c9896e51-48a2-4d82-ae9e-a0246981b473",
"network_interface_card_name": "Network adapter 1",
"network_label_assignment_specs": [
"enabled": true,
"max_label": 1,
"max_label_type": "LIMITED",
"network_label_name": "vm-network"
"operating_system": "WINDOWS_SERVER_2016",
"operating_system_architecture": "BIT_64",
"pattern_naming_settings": {
"max_number_of_rds_servers": 5,
"naming_pattern": "vm-{n}-sales"
"provisioning_settings": {
"base_snapshot_id": "snapshot-1",
"datacenter_id": "datacenter-1",
"host_or_cluster_id": "domain-s425",
"im_stream_id": "6f85b3a5-e7d0-4ad6-a1e3-37168dd1ed51",
"im_tag_id": "3d45b3a5-e7d0-4ad6-a1e3-37168dd1ed51",
"parent_vm_id": "vm-2",
"resource_pool_id": "resgroup-1",
"vm_folder_id": "group-v1"
"provisioning_status_data": {
"instant_clone_current_image_state": "READY",
"instant_clone_operation": "INITIAL_PUBLISH",
"instant_clone_operation_time": 1587081283000,
"instant_clone_pending_im_stream_id": "c9896e51-48a2-4d82-ae9e-a0246981b473",
"instant_clone_pending_im_tag_id": "e9896e51-48a2-4d82-ae9e-a0246981b484",
"instant_clone_pending_image_error": "Could not authenticate with domain administrator credentials",
"instant_clone_pending_image_parent_vm_id": "vm-1",
"instant_clone_pending_image_progress": 10,
"instant_clone_pending_image_snapshot_id": "snapshot-1",
"instant_clone_pending_image_state": "FAILED",
"instant_clone_scheduled_maintenance_data": {
"immediate_maintenance_scheduled": true,
"logoff_policy": "WAIT_FOR_LOGOFF",
"next_scheduled_time": 1237081283000,
"recurring_maintenance_settings": {
"maintenance_period": "WEEKLY",
"maintenance_period_frequency": 10,
"start_index": 1,
"start_time": "10:00"
"stop_on_first_error": true
"last_provisioning_error": "Initial publish failed: Could not authenticate with domain administrator credentials",
"last_provisioning_error_time": 1587081283000
"stop_provisioning_on_error": true,
"storage_settings": {
"datastores": [
"datastore_id": "datastore-1",
"storage_overcommit": "CONSERVATIVE"
"replica_disk_datastore_id": "datastore-1",
"use_separate_datastores_replica_and_os_disks": false,
"use_view_storage_accelerator": false,
"use_vsan": false
"transparent_page_sharing_scope": "VM",
"vcenter_id": "f148f3e8-db0e-4abb-9c33-7e5205ccd360"
Indicates whether to enable provisioning immediately.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Source of image used in the farm.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
- VIRTUAL_CENTER: Image was created in virtual center.
- IMAGE_CATALOG: Image was created in image catalog.
RDS Server type for max sessions.
- UNLIMITED: The RDS Server has an unlimited number of sessions.
- LIMITED: The RDS Server has a limited number of sessions.
Maximum number of sessions allowed for RDS Server. This is set when max_session_type is LIMITED.
Minimum number of ready (provisioned) RDS Servers during Instant clone maintenance operations. Use this setting to perform machine maintenance operations in a rolling fashion. Increasing this count may decrease the concurrency for Instant clone maintenance operations for the automated farm.
Network interface card settings for RDS Servers provisioned for this farm. A NIC may appear at most once in these settings and must be present on this RDS Server's parent's snapshot. Not all NICs need be configured. Any that are not will use default settings.
The guest operating system.
- UNKNOWN: Unknown
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2003: Windows Server 2003
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2008: Windows Server 2008
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2: Windows Server 2008 R2
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2012: Windows Server 2012
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2: Windows Server 2012 R2
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2016_OR_ABOVE: Windows Server 2016 or above
- LINUX_SERVER_OTHER: Linux Server (other)
The guest operating system architecture.
- UNKNOWN: Operating System cannot be determined.
- BIT_32: 32 bit Operating System Architecture.
- BIT_64: 64 bit Operating System Architecture.
Indicates whether provisioning on all VMs stops on error.
Transparent page sharing scope for the farm.
- VM: Inter-VM page sharing is not permitted.
- FARM: Inter-VM page sharing among VMs belonging to the same automated farm is permitted.
- POD: Inter-VM page sharing among VMs belonging to the same Pod is permitted.
- GLOBAL: Inter-VM page sharing among all VMs on the same host is permitted.
ID of the virtual center server.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.