Information related to Desktop Pool.
List API returning this information can use search filter query to filter on specific fields supported by filters.
Supported Filters: 'And', 'Or', 'Equals', 'StartsWith', 'Contains' and 'EndsWith'.
See the field description to know the filter types it supports.
"access_group_id": "6fd4638a-381f-4518-aed6-042aa3d9f14c",
"allow_multiple_user_assignments": true,
"allow_rds_pool_multi_session_per_user": false,
"automatic_user_assignment": false,
"category_folder_name": "dir1",
"cloud_assigned": false,
"cloud_managed": false,
"cs_restriction_tags": [
"customization_settings": {
"ad_container_rdn": "CN=Computers",
"cloneprep_customization_settings": {
"post_synchronization_script_name": "cloneprep_postsync_script",
"post_synchronization_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"power_off_script_name": "cloneprep_poweroff_script",
"power_off_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"priming_computer_account": "a219420d-4799-4517-8f78-39c74c7c4efc"
"customization_type": "CLONE_PREP",
"do_not_power_on_vms_after_creation": false,
"instant_clone_domain_account_id": "6f85b3a5-e7d0-4ad6-a1e3-37168dd1ed51",
"quickprep_customization_settings": {
"post_synchronization_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"post_synchronization_script_path": "quickprep_postsync_script",
"power_off_script_parameters": "p1 p2 p3",
"power_off_script_path": "quickprep_poweroff_script"
"reuse_pre_existing_accounts": false,
"sysprep_customization_spec_id": "a219420d-4799-4517-8f78-39c74c7c4efc",
"view_composer_domain_account_id": "0ebb464a-8780-4860-924f-8b2d1d1b33ef"
"delete_in_progress": false,
"description": "Desktop pool description",
"display_assigned_machine_name": false,
"display_machine_alias": true,
"display_name": "pool",
"display_protocol_settings": {
"allow_users_to_choose_protocol": true,
"default_display_protocol": "PCOIP",
"display_protocols": [
"grid_vgpus_enabled": false,
"html_access_enabled": true,
"max_number_of_monitors": 2,
"max_resolution_of_any_one_monitor": "WUXGA",
"renderer3d": true,
"session_collaboration_enabled": false,
"vgpu_grid_profile": "instant-profile",
"vram_size_mb": 64
"enable_client_restrictions": false,
"enable_provisioning": true,
"enabled": true,
"farm_id": "855ea6c5-720a-41e1-96f4-958c90e6e424",
"global_desktop_entitlement_id": "855ea6c5-720a-41e1-96f4-958c90e6e424",
"id": "0103796c-102b-4ed3-953f-3dfe3d23e0fe",
"image_source": "VIRTUAL_CENTER",
"name": "sales-pool1",
"nics": [
"network_interface_card_id": "c9896e51-48a2-4d82-ae9e-a0246981b473",
"network_interface_card_name": "Network adapter 1",
"network_label_assignment_specs": [
"enabled": true,
"max_label": 1,
"max_label_type": "LIMITED",
"network_label_name": "vm-network"
"pattern_naming_settings": {
"max_number_of_machines": 100,
"min_number_of_machines": 10,
"naming_pattern": "vm-{n}-sales",
"number_of_spare_machines": 10,
"provisioning_time": "ON_DEMAND"
"provisioning_settings": {
"add_virtual_tpm": false,
"base_snapshot_id": "snapshot-1",
"datacenter_id": "datacenter-1",
"host_or_cluster_id": "domain-s425",
"im_stream_id": "6f85b3a5-e7d0-4ad6-a1e3-37168dd1ed51",
"im_tag_id": "6f85b3a5-e7d0-4ad6-a1e3-37168dd1ed51",
"min_ready_vms_on_vcomposer_maintenance": 10,
"parent_vm_id": "vm-2",
"resource_pool_id": "resgroup-1",
"vm_folder_id": "group-v1",
"vm_template_id": "vm-1"
"provisioning_status_data": {
"instant_clone_current_image_state": "c9896e51-48a2-4d82-ae9e-a0246981b473",
"instant_clone_operation": "NONE",
"instant_clone_pending_im_stream_id": "c9896e51-48a2-4d82-ae9e-a0246981b473",
"instant_clone_pending_im_tag_id": "e9896e51-48a2-4d82-ae9e-a0246981b484",
"instant_clone_pending_image_error": "Could not authenticate with domain administrator credentials",
"instant_clone_pending_image_parent_vm_id": "vm-1",
"instant_clone_pending_image_progress": 10,
"instant_clone_pending_image_snapshot_id": "snapshot-1",
"instant_clone_pending_image_state": "FAILED",
"instant_clone_push_image_settings": {
"add_virtual_tpm": false,
"logoff_policy": "WAIT_FOR_LOGOFF",
"start_time": 1587081283000,
"stop_on_first_error": true
"last_provisioning_error": "Initial publish failed: Could not authenticate with domain administrator credentials",
"last_provisioning_error_time": 1587081283000
"session_settings": {
"allow_multiple_sessions_per_user": false,
"allow_users_to_reset_machines": false,
"delete_or_refresh_machine_after_logoff": "NEVER",
"disconnected_session_timeout_minutes": 5,
"disconnected_session_timeout_policy": "NEVER",
"empty_session_timeout_minutes": 5,
"empty_session_timeout_policy": "AFTER",
"logoff_after_timeout": false,
"power_policy": "ALWAYS_POWERED_ON",
"pre_launch_session_timeout_minutes": 10,
"pre_launch_session_timeout_policy": "AFTER",
"refresh_os_disk_after_logoff": "NEVER",
"refresh_period_days_for_replica_os_disk": 20,
"refresh_threshold_percentage_for_replica_os_disk": 30
"session_type": "DESKTOP",
"shortcut_locations": [
"source": "INSTANT_CLONE",
"specific_naming_settings": {
"num_machines": 10,
"num_unassigned_machines_kept_powered_on": 1,
"start_machines_in_maintenance_mode": false
"stop_provisioning_on_error": true,
"storage_settings": {
"datastores": [
"datastore_id": "datastore-1",
"sdrs_cluster": false,
"storage_overcommit": "CONSERVATIVE"
"non_persistent_disk_drive_letter": "Auto",
"non_persistent_disk_size_mb": 4096,
"non_persistent_redirect_disposable_files": true,
"persistent_disk_datastores": [
"datastore_id": "datastore-1",
"sdrs_cluster": false,
"storage_overcommit": "CONSERVATIVE"
"persistent_disk_drive_letter": "D",
"persistent_disk_size_mb": 2048,
"reclaim_vm_disk_space": false,
"reclamation_threshold_mb": 1024,
"redirect_windows_profile": false,
"replica_disk_datastore_id": "datastore-1",
"use_native_snapshots": false,
"use_separate_datastores_persistent_and_os_disks": false,
"use_separate_datastores_replica_and_os_disks": false,
"use_vsan": false
"transparent_page_sharing_scope": "VM",
"type": "AUTOMATED",
"user_assignment": "DEDICATED",
"vcenter_id": "f148f3e8-db0e-4abb-9c33-7e5205ccd360",
"view_storage_accelerator_settings": {
"blackout_times": [
"days": [
"end_time": "22:00",
"start_time": "10:00"
"regenerate_view_storage_accelerator_days": 7,
"use_view_storage_accelerator": false,
"view_storage_accelerator_disk_types": "OS_DISKS"
Access groups can organize the entities (like application pools, desktop pools) in the organization. They can also be used for delegated administration.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Applicable To: Dedicated manual and automated desktop pools (except linked clone pools) with manual user assignment.
Whether assignment of multiple users to a single machine is allowed.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Applicable To: RDS desktop pools.
Whether multiple sessions are allowed per user for this pool.For other desktop pools, allow_multiple_sessions_per_user in sessionSettings will be applicable.
Applicable To: Dedicated manual and automated desktop pools.
Automatic assignment of a user the first time they access the machine.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Name of the category folder in the user's OS containing a shortcut to the desktop pool.Will be unset if the desktop does not belong to a category.This property defines valid folder names with a max length of 64 characters and up to 4 subdirectory levels.The subdirectories can be specified using a backslash, e.g. (dir1\dir2\dir3\dir4). Folder names can't start orend with a backslash nor can there be 2 or more backslashes together. Combinations such as(\dir1, dir1\dir2, dir1\dir2, dir1\\dir2) are invalid. The windows reserved keywords(CON, PRN, NUL, AUX, COM1 - COM9, LPT1 - LPT9 etc.) are not allowed in subdirectory names.
Indicates whether this desktop is assigned to a workspace in Horizon Cloud Services.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Indicates whether this desktop is managed by Horizon Cloud Services.This can be false only when cloud_assigned is false.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
List of tags for which the access to the desktop pool is restricted to.No list indicates that desktop pool can be accessed from any connection server.
Indicates whether the desktop pool is in the process of being deleted.Default value is false.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Description of the Desktop Pool. The maximum length is 1024 characters.
Supported Filters: 'Equals', 'StartsWith' and 'Contains'.
Applicable To: Dedicated manual and automated desktop pools.
Indicates whether users should see the hostname of the machine assigned to them instead of displayName when they connect using View Client. If no machine is assigned to the user then "displayName (No machine assigned)" will be displayed in the client.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Decides the visibility of the machine alias to the user.
Display name of the Desktop Pool. The maximum length is 256 characters.
Supported Filters: 'Equals', 'StartsWith' and 'Contains'.
Client restrictions to be applied to the desktop pool.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Applicable To: Automated desktop pools.
Whether provisioning is enabled.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Indicates whether the Desktop Pool is enabled for brokering.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Applicable To: RDS desktop pools.
Farm needed to create RDS desktop pool.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Global desktop entitlement for this desktop pool. Caller should have permission to FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW privilege for this field to be populated or to use in filter.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Unique ID representing Desktop Pool.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
Applicable To: Automated desktop pools.
Source of image used in the desktop pool.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
- VIRTUAL_CENTER: Image was created in virtual center.
- IMAGE_CATALOG: Image was created in image catalog.
Name of the Desktop Pool. The maximum length is 64 characters.
Supported Filters: 'Equals', 'StartsWith' and 'Contains'.
Applicable To: Automated desktop pools.
Network interface card settings for machines provisioned for this desktop. A NIC may appear at most once in these settings and must be present on this desktop pool's parent's snapshot or template. Not all NICs need be configured. Any that are not will use default settings.
Supported session types for this desktop pool. If application sessions are selected to besupported then this desktop pool can be used for application pool creation. This will beuseful when the machines in the pool support application remoting. Default value of DESKTOP.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
- DESKTOP: Only desktop sessions are supported.
- APPLICATION: Only application sessions are supported.
- DESKTOP_AND_APPLICATION: Both desktop and application sessions are supported.
Locations of the category folder in the user's OS containing a shortcut to the desktop pool.The value will be present if categoryFolderName is set.
Source of the Machines in this Desktop Pool.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
- INSTANT_CLONE: The Desktop Pool uses instant clone technology for provisioning the machines. Applicable for AUTOMATED type desktop pools.
- LINKED_CLONE: The Desktop Pool uses linked clone technology for provisioning the machines. Applicable for AUTOMATED type desktop pools.
- VIRTUAL_CENTER: The Desktop Pool uses Virtual Center as source for provisioning the machines. Applicable for AUTOMATED and MANUAL type desktop pools.
- RDS: The Desktop Pool is backed by Farm. The Farm used in this Desktop Pool can be of any Source.
- UNMANAGED: The Desktop Pool holds the non-vCenter source machines that includes physical computers, blade PCs and non-vCenter servers. Applicable for MANUAL type desktop pools.
Applicable To: Automated desktop pools.
Whether provisioning on all machines stops on error.
Applicable To: Manual and automated desktop pools.
The transparent page sharing scope.
- VM: Inter-VM page sharing is not permitted.
- DESKTOP_POOL: Inter-VM page sharing among VMs belonging to the same Desktop pool is permitted.
- POD: Inter-VM page sharing among VMs belonging to the same Pod is permitted.
- GLOBAL: Inter-VM page sharing among all VMs on the same host is permitted.
Type of the desktop pool.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
- AUTOMATED: Automated Desktop Pool.
- MANUAL: Manual Desktop Pool.
- RDS: RDS Desktop Pool.
Applicable To: Manual and automated desktop pools.
User assignment scheme.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.
- DEDICATED: With dedicated assignment, a user returns to the same machine at each session.
- FLOATING: With floating assignment, a user may return to one of the available machines for the next session.
Applicable To: Manual and automated desktop pools.
Virtual Center that manages the machines of the desktop pool.
Supported Filters: 'Equals'.