Key Agreement
Uses Diffie-Hellman algorithm to achieve encryption key agreement between client and server, which then can be used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information.
Client key derivation spec.
"identifier": "V2luZG93c0xPQ0FUSU9OSUQ6NTIyNTI0NTM0NTM0NjM0MzQ2MzYzNDYzNjc1MzI0NjUyMzY3NDUyNzY1NDIzNjc1NDY3MjM1NDI0Mw==",
"nonce": "DaY+kne1X2B6h8a4gLZu2w==",
"public_key": "<public key>",
"supported_schemes": [
Identifier as Base64 encoded binary data.
Nonce as Base64 encoded binary data.
Diffie Hellman public key as Base64 encoded binary data.
List of client supported schemes for key derivation.
"client_reference_id": "855ea6c5-720a-41e1-96f4-958c90e6e424",
"identifier": "QnJva2Vy",
"proof": "qck2eXsbiOpFJMGKEBzyPTidLwwCzsG8PgvyncQpeZU=",
"public_key": "<public key>",
"scheme": "SCHEME-AES2"
Client reference identifier which is required to be passed as query param to login api, to enable decryption of encrypted sensitive information.
Identifier as Base64 encoded binary data.
Proof as Base64 encoded binary data.
Diffie Hellman public key as Base64 encoded binary data.
Selected scheme for key derivation.
- SCHEME_AES1: Diffie Hellman algo used by low power clients.
- SCHEME_AES2: Diffie Hellman algo used by high power clients.
- SCHEME_EC_AES1: Elliptic-curve Diffie Hellman algo used by low power clients.
- SCHEME_EC_AES2: Elliptic-curve Diffie Hellman algo used by high power clients.
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