Get Physical Machine V2
All the listed privileges are required -
Privileges | Description |
GLOBAL_CONFIG_VIEW | Caller should have permission to this privilege to view the physical machines. |
Physical machine ID
"description": "This is a physical machine.",
"dns_name": "",
"id": "0103796c-102b-4ed3-953f-3dfe3d23e0fe",
"message_security_enhanced_mode_supported": true,
"message_security_mode": "MIXED",
"name": "machine1",
"operating_system": "WINDOWS_SERVER_2016",
"rds_server": true,
"state": "AVAILABLE"
Description of the machine.
Supported Filters : 'Equals', 'StartsWith' and 'Contains'.
DNS name of the machine.
Supported Filters : 'Equals', 'StartsWith', 'EndsWith' and 'Contains'.
Unique ID representing machine.
Supported Filters : 'Equals'.
Indicates whether ENHANCED message security mode is currently supported by this machine.
The current JMS message security mode used by this machine.
Supported Filters : 'Equals'.
- DISABLED: Message security mode is disabled.
- MIXED: Message security mode is enabled but not enforced.
- ENABLED: Message security mode is enabled. Unsigned messages are rejected by Horizon components.
- ENHANCED: Message Security mode is Enhanced. Message signing and validation is performed based on the current Security Level and desktop Message Security mode.
Name of the machine.
Supported Filters : 'Equals', 'StartsWith' and 'Contains'.
The machine operating system.
- UNKNOWN: Unknown
- WINDOWS_XP: Windows XP
- WINDOWS_VISTA: Windows Vista
- WINDOWS_7: Windows 7
- WINDOWS_8: Windows 8
- WINDOWS_10: Windows 10
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2003: Windows Server 2003
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2008: Windows Server 2008
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2008_R2: Windows Server 2008 R2
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2012: Windows Server 2012
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2012_R2: Windows Server 2012 R2
- WINDOWS_SERVER_2016_OR_ABOVE: Windows Server 2016 or above
- LINUX_OTHER: Linux (other)
- LINUX_SERVER_OTHER: Linux server (other)
- LINUX_UBUNTU: Linux (Ubuntu)
- LINUX_RHEL: Linux (Red Hat Enterprise)
- LINUX_SUSE: Linux (Suse)
- LINUX_CENTOS: Linux (CentOS)
Indicates if the physical machine is RDS Server.
Supported Filters : 'Equals'.
The state of the machine.
Supported Filters : 'Equals'.
- AGENT_UNREACHABLE: Horizon Connection Server cannot establish communication with Horizon Agent on the machine.
- UNASSIGNED_USER_CONNECTED: A user other than the assigned user is logged in to the machine in a dedicated desktop pool.
- CONNECTED: The machine is in an active session and has an active connection to a Horizon client.
- UNASSIGNED_USER_DISCONNECTED: A user other than the assigned user is logged in and disconnected from the machine in a dedicated desktop pool.
- DISCONNECTED: The machine is in an active session, but it is disconnected from the Horizon client.
- AGENT_ERROR_STARTUP_IN_PROGRESS: Horizon Agent has started on the machine, but other required services such as the display protocol are still starting.
- AGENT_ERROR_DISABLED: Horizon Agent is disabled.
- AGENT_ERROR_INVALID_IP: Horizon Agent has an invalid IP address.
- AGENT_ERROR_NEEDS_REBOOT: Horizon Agent needs reboot.
- AGENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE: Protocol such as BLAST, RDP or PCoIP is not enabled.
- AGENT_CONFIG_ERROR: The Remote Desktop Services role is not enabled on the windows server.
- AVAILABLE: The machine is powered on and ready for active connections.
- VALIDATING: The Horizon Connection Server is synchronizing state information with the agent.
- DISABLED: The machine is disabled.
- UNKNOWN: Could not determine the state of the machine.
User is not authenticated
Access to the resource is forbidden
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