Failover settings for a VM replication.
"copySecurityTags": true,
"placementPolicy": "55a69531-ee2d-4cef-8df2-c68339e9e5ad",
"powerOn": true,
"sizingPolicy": "6d688c22-7736-44d3-8fcd-99d637eaef97",
"vAppNetworkSettings": {
"networkMappings": [
"sourceNetworkName": "ext_net_vdc_s1Org",
"sourceOrgVdcNetwork": {
"id": "e5a39b99-6c27-493c-acce-7eae3cd7414e",
"name": "ext_net_vdc_s1Org"
"destinationOrgVdcNetwork": {
"id": "f1c31b8d-c36b-4c2e-9236-cf97f5046072",
"name": "ext_net_vdc_s2Org"
"copySourceNetworks": true,
"bridgeOrgVdcNetworks": [],
"bulkConnectVmNics": false
"consolidate": false,
"instanceId": "8768d9ac-c155-4f82-8619-31197e8f66a8",
"type": "string",
"vmNetworkSettings": {
"copySourceNicSettings": false,
"nics": [
"externalIpAddress": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"ipAddressAllocationMode": "string",
"isConnected": false,
"macAddress": "00:0a:95:9d:68:17",
"needsCustomization": true,
"network": "network1",
"networkAdapterType": "VMXNET 3",
"nicIndex": 0,
"resetMacAddress": true,
"resolutionType": "EXPLICIT"
"primaryNicIndex": 0,
"resolutionType": "EXPLICIT"
"storageProfileId": "8f5c7c85-dc5a-4e36-bf01-376df43af4b0"
Optional parameter to specify whether PITs should be consolidated or nothing should happen in the recovered VM. Defaults to false
Optional id of a PIT to recover to. By default the latest instance is used.
When set, the given storage profile will be applied after the VM has been registered in VMware Cloud Director. Requirements are: vMotion, all ESXi hosts with access to the datastores which comprise the storage profile that was used to configure the replication need to have access to the datastores which comprise the new storage profile, all ESXi hosts with access to the datastores which comprise the new storage profile need to have access to the datastores which comprise the storage profile that was used to configure the replication.
Polymorphic discriminator property, value is 'vcloud'