Query progress data, which includes the number of cores requested and the number of cores closed
"coresClosed": "string",
"coresRequested": "string",
"coresResponded": "string",
"failureMessage": "Query processing failed: Expected error message",
"numCoresClosed": 0,
"numCoresRequested": 2,
"numCoresResponded": 2,
"queryElapsedTimeMillis": 1689142040167,
"queryPercentComplete": 80,
"queryRemainingTimeMillis": 1689142040156,
"queryStartTimeMillis": 1689142040160,
"subQueriesComplete": 2,
"subQueriesTotal": 2,
"trackerId": "45698c1-5ed9-4eb8-998c-48b1ce72f8b6"
Number of cores requested
Number of cores that responded
Number of cores that were closed
Number of sub-queries
Number of sub-queries that were completed
Percentage of queries that were completed
The point of time, in milliseconds, at which the query started executing.
The time, in milliseconds, for which the query elapsed
The time, in milliseconds, that the query needs to finish executing
Cores that were requested
Cores that responded
Cores that were closed
Messages to show if the query failed
MDC tracker ID for debugging