Remediation Get Action
action name.
action name.
"action_name": "slack_action",
"category": "messaging",
"description": "send slack message for TCSA Notification",
"file_data": "import json\nfrom datetime import datetime\nfrom airflow.models import DAG\nfrom airflow.models import Variable\nfrom airflow.models.param import Param\nfrom airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator\nfrom airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack import SlackAPIPostOperator\nimport logging\nfrom Success import *\nfrom Failure import *\n\nmyParams = {\n \"notification_obj\": {}\n}\n\ndef extract_action_params(**context) -> None:\n return context[\"params\"][\"notification_obj\"][\"Name\"] + \" Source: \" + context[\"params\"][\"notification_obj\"][\"Source\"]\n\nwith DAG(\n\tdag_id='{{tcsa.dag_name}}',\n\tschedule_interval=None,\n\tstart_date=datetime(2023,8,16),\n params=myParams,\n\tis_paused_upon_creation=False,\n\tcatchup=False,\n on_success_callback =success,\n on_failure_callback =failure\n) as dag:\n\n # 1. extract action params into a dict\n extract_action_params = PythonOperator(task_id='extract_action_params',\n python_callable=extract_action_params,\n dag=dag,\n on_success_callback = success,\n on_failure_callback =failure\n )\n\n # 2. send slack message with JIRA info and summary\n task_post_slack = SlackAPIPostOperator(\n task_id='task_post_slack',\n slack_conn_id='{{tcsa.task_post_slack_conn_id}}',\n text='{{ tcsa.slack_message }}' + ' ' + '[[ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=[\"extract_action_params\"][0]) ]]',\n channel='{{ tcsa.slack_channel }}',\n on_success_callback = success,\n on_failure_callback =failure\n )\n\n extract_action_params >> task_post_slack\n",
"file_type": "PYTHON",
"is_default": true,
"last_updated": "27 Sep, 2023, 17:13:56 UTC",
"parameterized": true,
"params": [
"parameterName": "slack_message",
"option": "mandatory"
"parameterName": "slack_channel",
"option": "mandatory"
Name of the remediation action
either PYTHON or YAML
file content
action creation timestamp
action last update timestamp
list of string parameterName and option, option can be mandatory or optional
Invalid Request sent by the user
"ErrorDetails Object"
Error code for the failed request
Short summary of the error occurred
Detailed message with probable solution
Cannot find requested resource
"ErrorDetails Object"
Error code for the failed request
Short summary of the error occurred
Detailed message with probable solution
Internal server error
"ErrorDetails Object"
Error code for the failed request
Short summary of the error occurred
Detailed message with probable solution
curl -H 'Authorization: <value>' https://{api_host}/remediation-rest/actions/{action_name}