Telco Cloud Automation APIs

Welcome to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation API Documentation.

VMware Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) provides a rich set of APIs to manage the TCA Manager, the Control Plane, and the Orchestrations of VNFs and CNFs.

For documentation on the TCA product, please follow:

API Swaggers Download

The Open API specs (swaggers) may be downloaded from the TCA Manager, once the user logs in, under: https://<TCA-Manager-FQDN>/hybridity/docs/


Consuming the APIs

One may consume the TCA APIs either a REST client directly (i.e. Postman), or using the TCA SDK.


Using REST Client

Using a REST Client (i.e. Postman), the user has to heavylift fetching and managing the TCA session tokens (based on the user credentials or LDAP). A session token thus obtained, may be used as Bearer’s token, while making subsequent REST APIs calls.



The SDK hides the complexities of fetching and managing TCA session token in order to invoke the APIs in a programmer-friendly way. The SDK and the User Guide may be found at: