Create Source
Create metadata (description or tags) for a specific source
"hidden": false,
"id": "string",
"description": "string",
"createdEpochMillis": 0,
"updatedEpochMillis": 0,
"markedNewEpochMillis": 0,
"creatorId": "string",
"updaterId": "string",
"sourceName": "string"
A derived field denoting whether this source has been hidden (e.g. excluding it from query autocomplete among other things)
id of this source, must be exactly equivalent to 'sourceName'
Description of this source
A Map (String -> boolean) Representing the source tags associated with this source. To create a tag, set it as a KEY in this map, with associated value equal to true
Epoch Millis when this source was marked as
The name of the source, usually set by ingested telemetry
successful operation
"status": {
"result": "string",
"message": "string",
"code": 0
"response": {
"hidden": false,
"id": "string",
"description": "string",
"createdEpochMillis": 0,
"updatedEpochMillis": 0,
"markedNewEpochMillis": 0,
"creatorId": "string",
"updaterId": "string",
"sourceName": "string"