ESXCLI Commands

ESXCLI Commands

esxcli vsan Commands

Command Description Options Help
vsan cluster get Get information about the vSAN cluster that this host is joined to.
--cluster-uuid | -u
Specify the vSAN cluster UUID of the cluster instance which will be displayed, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits.
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vsan cluster join Join the host to a vSAN cluster.
--client-mode | -c
Join vSAN client cluster with given UUID, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits.
--cluster-uuid | -u
vSAN cluster UUID of the cluster instance which the host will join, or create, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits. (required)
--metadata-node | -m
Join the host as a metadata node to the cluster.
--storage-mode | -s
vSAN storage mode allows to create a vSAN Max cluster.
--vsanesa | -x
vSAN ESA mode allows to create a vSAN ESA cluster.
--wait | -w
Wait until the host joins the cluster.
--witness-node | -t
Join the host as a witness node to the cluster. It is required to specify "--witness-preferred-fault-domain" when this parameter is set.
--witness-preferred-fault-domain | -p
Specify the fault domain that witness node prefers to respond in case of network partition. It should be either of the two fault domains for existing data sites. This parameter is useful only when "--witness-node" is set.
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vsan cluster leave Leave the vSAN cluster the host is currently joined to.
--cluster-uuid | -u
vSAN cluster UUID of the cluster instance which the host will leave, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits. This host will leave all associated vSAN clusters if the host is working as a shared witness host and this parameter is not specified.
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vsan cluster list Get information about the vSAN clusters that this host is joined to.
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vsan cluster new Create a vSAN cluster with current host joined. A random sub-cluster UUID will be generated.
--client-mode | -c
vSAN client mode allows mount of vSAN datastore from the server cluster without enabling vSAN.
--storage-mode | -s
vSAN storage mode allows to create a vSAN Max cluster.
--vsanesa | -x
vSAN ESA mode allows to create a vSAN ESA cluster.
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vsan cluster restore Restore the persisted vSAN cluster configuration.
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vsan cluster preferredfaultdomain get Get the preferred fault domain for a stretched cluster.
--cluster-uuid | -u
Specify the vSAN cluster UUID of the cluster instance, and thepreferred fault domain info of target cluster will be displayed, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits.
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vsan cluster preferredfaultdomain list List the preferred fault domain for all attached stretched clusters.
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vsan cluster preferredfaultdomain set Set the preferred fault domain for a stretched cluster.
--cluster-uuid | -u
vSAN cluster UUID of the cluster instance, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits. This field is required if this host is working as a shared witness host.
--preferred-fault-domain-name | -n
Preferred Fault domain name to use for a stretched cluster. (required)
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vsan cluster unicastagent add Add a unicast agent to the vSAN cluster configuration.
--addr | -a
IP address of the unicast agent. (required)
--bound-interface-name | -i
Name of the bound outgoing network interface.
--cert-thumbprint | -T
SHA-1 certificate thumbprint. Cert-thumbprint would be required to enable vSAN data-in-transit encryption.
--cluster-uuid | -c
Cluster UUID of the remote server unicast agent (required for -t remote). Or cluster UUID for host to be added on a shared witness node.
--port | -p
Port the unicast agent is listening on.
--supports-unicast | -U
Whether the software version supports unicast (required for -t node)
--type | -t
Type of the unicast agent (One of [witness, node, metadata, remote, remotewitness], default is witness).
--uuid | -u
UUID of the unicast agent (required for -t node).
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vsan cluster unicastagent clear Removes all unicast agents in the vSAN cluster configuration.
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vsan cluster unicastagent list List all unicast agents in the vSAN cluster configuration.
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vsan cluster unicastagent remove Remove a unicast agent from the vSAN cluster configuration.
--addr | -a
IP address of the unicast agent. (required)
--cluster-uuid | -c
Cluster UUID of the unicast agent.
--port | -p
Port the unicast agent is listening on.
--type | -t
Type of the unicast agent (One of [node, witness, metadata, remote, remotewitness], default is node).
--uuid | -u
UUID of the unicast agent.
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vsan cmmds timemachine get Get vSAN CMMDS time machine configuration.
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vsan cmmds timemachine set Configure vSAN CMMDS time machine.
--mb-per-day | -m
Specify MB per day for vSAN CMMDS time machine.
--rotate | -r
Specify log file rotation for cmmdsTimeMachineDump.
--size | -s
Specify log file size in KB for cmmdsTimeMachineDump.
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vsan datastore add Add a new datastore to the vSAN cluster. This operation may be used to add either a new local datastore or a remote datastore. Adding local datastore is only allowed if vSAN is enabled on the host. In general, add should be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastores should be in sync.
--cluster-uuid | -c
Cluster UUID of the vSAN cluster which exports the vSAN datastore to mount. This should be specified only when adding a remote vSAN datastore and datastore UUID must be specified together with this field.
--name | -n
User friendly name of the datastore to be added. It must be unique among all existing vSAN datastores. (required)
--uuid | -u
UUID of the new datastore to be added, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits.. If not specified, a new UUID will be generated. For remote vSAN datastore, both datastore and server cluster UUID are required. The datastore UUID must match one of the datastores in the remote server cluster.
--vsanesa | -x
This option allows to mount remote vSAN ESA datastores. If this option is not specified, the remote datastore would be considered as a vSAN OSA remote datastore.
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vsan datastore clear Remove all but the default datastore from the vSAN cluster. This operation is only allowed if vSAN is enabled on the host. In general, clear should be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastores should be in sync.
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vsan datastore list List datastores in the vSAN cluster.
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vsan datastore remove Remove a datastore from the vSAN cluster. This operation is only allowed if vSAN is enabled on the host. In general, remove should be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastores should be in sync.
--uuid | -u
UUID of the datastore to be removed, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits. (required)
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vsan datastore name get Get vSAN datastore name.
--uuid | -u
UUID of the datastore, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits. If not specified, the default datastore is assumed.
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vsan datastore name set Configure vSAN datastore name. In general, rename should always be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastore name should be in sync.
--newname | -n
New name of the datastore. (required)
--uuid | -u
UUID of the datastore, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits. If not specified, the default datastore is assumed.
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vsan debug advcfg list List all advanced configuration options with non-default values.
--option | -o
List only the specified options, even if their value is default. Usage example: --option='VSAN.ClomRepairDelay' --option='LSOM.ssdWbSize'...
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vsan debug controller list Print detailed information about all vSAN disk controllers (output may change between releases)
--used-by-vsan | -v
Filter the controllers used by vSAN or not
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vsan debug disk list Print detailed information about all vSAN disks in the cluster.
--guuid | -g
Filter disks by disk group UUID.
--local | -l
Show only local disks.
--uuid | -u
Filter disks by disk UUID.
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vsan debug disk overview Print overview information about all vSAN disks in the cluster.
--local | -l
Show only local disks.
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vsan debug disk summary get Print summary information about all vSAN disks in the cluster.
--local | -l
Check only local disks.
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vsan debug evacuation precheck Examine what it takes if an entity (disk group or host) is evacuated in various modes (Action). The result is accurate when all hosts in the vSAN cluster are of the same version and have the same disk format.
--action | -a
Action filter. Only show a specific type of actions from
ensureAccess: Ensure Accessibility
evacAllData: Evacuate All Data
noAction: No Action
--entity | -e
The name or uuid of the disk or disk group or host node. For name, it accepts 'localhost' or a hostname in vSAN cluster, or a device name in a diskgroup such as 'mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0'. (required)
--verbose | -v
Show full list of inaccessible and non-compliant (redundancy reduced) objects.
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vsan debug limit get Print summary information about vSAN limits (output may change between releases)
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vsan debug memory list Print both userworld and kernel memory consumptions of vSAN.
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vsan debug mob start Start vSAN Managed Object Browser Service.
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vsan debug mob status Query vSAN Managed Object Browser Service is running or not.
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vsan debug mob stop Stop vSAN Managed Object Browser Service.
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vsan debug object list Print detailed information about vSAN objects in the cluster. This command would only show 100 objects at most by default.
If given, query all the objects in the cluster. Please make sure the host has enough resources to run.
Filter objects by component owner.
Filter objects by disk UUID.
--guuid | -g
Filter objects by group UUID.
Filter objects by object health.
Specify the maximum number of objects to query. Note: querying large number of objects can be very resource consuming.
Filter objects by disk policy. Usage example: --policy='CSN:1' --policy='SCSN:1'...
--sort | -a
Sort By. Sort the output by
health: Object Health
policy: Policy
size: Size
used: Used
used 4k blocks: Used 4K Blocks
--uuid | -u
Filter objects by object UUID.
Filter objects by VM name.
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vsan debug object overview Print overview information about all vSAN objects in the cluster. This command would only show 100 objects at most by default.
If given, query all the objects in the cluster. (Please make sure the host has enough resource to run.)
Specify the max number of object query. (Note: Query large number of objects can be very resource consuming.)
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vsan debug object health summary get Print health summary information about all vSAN objects in the cluster (output may change between releases)
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vsan debug resync list Print detailed information about vSAN resyncing objects (output may change between releases)
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vsan debug resync summary get Print summary information about vSAN resyncing objects (output may change between releases)
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vsan debug vmdk list Print summary information about VMDKs on local vSAN datastore (output may change between releases)
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vsan encryption cert get Get encryption KMS server certificate contents.
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vsan encryption cert path list List encryption certificate file paths.
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vsan encryption hostkey get Get host key from keycache used for vSAN encryption.
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vsan encryption info get Get vSAN encryption infomation.
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vsan encryption kms list List the KMS configurations used for vSAN encryption.
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vsan faultdomain get Get the fault domain name for this host.
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vsan faultdomain reset Reset Host fault domain to default value
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vsan faultdomain set Set the fault domain for this host
--fdname | -n
Fault domain name to use for this host. Empty string means reset to default. (required)
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vsan hardware vcg add Map unidentified vSAN hardware device with VCG ID.
--device-id | -d
Unidentified Device ID. It can be seen with command "esxcli storage core device list" (e.g. (required)
--vcg-id | -v
VCG ID. (required)
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vsan hardware vcg get Get the vSAN VCG ID for a vSAN hardware device. Output is VCG ID while "N/A" means device ID is not mapped.
--device-id | -d
Unidentified Device ID. It can be seen command "esxcli storage core device list" (e.g. (required)
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vsan health cluster get Get a specific health check status and its details
--test | -t
Test full name prefix or short test id of the health check. The test full names are shown in health UI and can be listed with 'esxcli vsan health cluster list' (Note: use the TEST NAME, not GROUP NAME). If the prefix matchs more than one test, all the matched tests will be displayed. The short test ids can be seen with 'esxcli vsan health cluster list -w'. (required)
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vsan health cluster list List a cluster wide health check across all types of health checks
--with-test-id | -w
Specify output list include testId (testId can be used to get the details of a test)
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vsan iscsi defaultconfig get Get default values for vSAN iSCSI Target configurations.
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vsan iscsi defaultconfig set Set default values for vSAN iSCSI Target configurations.
--authtype | -m
Provide default authentication type. Supported authentication types are [No-Authentication, CHAP, CHAP-Mutual].
--interface | -n
The name of the default network interface through which the target is accessible.
--mutual-secret | -S
The secret an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--mutual-userid | -U
The user name an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--port | -p
The default network port number through which the target will be accessible.
--secret | -s
The secret a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--userid | -u
The user name a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
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vsan iscsi homeobject create Create vSAN iSCSI target home object. Once created, the home object will be available for all the hosts in vSAN cluster. vSAN iSCSI target home object should be created only once for the vSAN cluster.
--authtype | -m
Provide default authentication type. Supported authentication types are [No-Authentication, CHAP, CHAP-Mutual].
--interface | -n
The name of the default network interface. (required)
--mutual-secret | -S
The secret an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--mutual-userid | -U
The user name an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--policy | -P
vSAN storage policy for vSAN iSCSI target home object, in the form of a string. Please check 'esxcli vsan policy setdefault --help' for details on policy options.
--port | -p
The port number of the default network port. If not provided, default network port: 3260.
--secret | -s
The secret a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--userid | -u
The user name a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
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vsan iscsi homeobject delete Delete vSAN iSCSI target home object. This operation will destroy all vSAN iSCSI target configuration
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vsan iscsi homeobject get Get status for the vSAN iSCSI target home object
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vsan iscsi homeobject set Update configuration for the vSAN iSCSI target home object
--policy | -P
New vSAN storage policy for vSAN iSCSI target home object, in the form of a string. Please check 'esxcli vsan policy setdefault --help' for details on policy options.
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vsan iscsi initiatorgroup add Add a new initiator group. An initiator group is a collection of iSCSI initiator hosts. A LUN can be exposed to multiple initiators via initiator group.
--name | -n
The name of the new initiator group. Group name must be unique within the vSAN cluster. (required)
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vsan iscsi initiatorgroup get Get initiator group properties.
--name | -n
Initiator group name. (required)
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vsan iscsi initiatorgroup list Get the list of initiator groups.
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vsan iscsi initiatorgroup remove Remove an initiator group. Group should be empty. If you want to remove non-empty group use --force option.
--force | -f
Force deletion of the initiator group even if it is not empty.
--name | -n
The name of the initiator group to remove. (required)
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vsan iscsi initiatorgroup initiator add Add new initiator iSCSI names to the vSAN iSCSI initiator group.
--group | -g
The name of the initiator group. (required)
--names | -n
Specify initiator iSCSI names to be added to the initiator group. Multiple initiator iSCSI names can be provided using format -n initiator1 -n initiator2. (required)
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vsan iscsi initiatorgroup initiator remove Remove initiator iSCSI names from the vSAN iSCSI initiator group.
--group | -g
The name of the initiator group. (required)
--names | -n
Specify initiator iSCSI names to be removed from the initiator group. Multiple initiator iSCSI names can be provided using format -n initiator1 -n initiator2.the initiator group. (required)
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vsan iscsi status get Gets current status (Enabled or Disabled).
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vsan iscsi status set Enable or disable iSCSI target support, query status
Sets status, enabling or disabling vSAN iSCSI target support on the way. The new status survives a reboot (required)
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vsan iscsi target add Add a new vSAN iSCSI target.
--alias | -a
The alias of the target. The alias has to be unique. (required)
--authtype | -m
Provide authentication type for target. If not provided, target can be accessed through without authentication. Supported authentication types are [No-Authentication, CHAP, CHAP-Mutual].
--initiator-add | -A
Specify initiator iSCSI names or initiator groups to be added to the list of initiators that can access this target. Multiple initiator iSCSI names and initiator groups can be added using format -A initiator1 -A initiator2.
--interface | -n
The name of the network interface through which the target is accessible. If not provided, the target will be accessible through default network interface.
--iqn | -i
The iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) of the target. This parameter is optional and should be unique if provided. If not provided, appropriate IQN will be generated by the system.
--location | -L
Specify target affinity location to a given fault domain in stretched cluster mode, and the option is {Preferred, NonPreferred} using format -L Preferred or -L NonPreferred.
--mutual-secret | -S
The secret an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--mutual-userid | -U
The user name an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--policy | -P
vSAN storage policy for target namespace, in the form of a string. Please check 'esxcli vsan policy setdefault --help' for details on policy options.
--port | -p
The name of the network port through which the target is accessible. If not provided, the target will be accessible through default network port: 3260.
--secret | -s
The secret a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--userid | -u
The user name a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
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vsan iscsi target get Get configuration for vSAN iSCSI target
--alias | -a
The iSCSI Target alias. (required)
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vsan iscsi target list List vSAN iSCSI targets.
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vsan iscsi target remove Remove a vSAN iSCSI target.
--alias | -a
The alias of the vSAN iSCSI target to be removed. (required)
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vsan iscsi target set Update configuration of the given iSCSI target.
--alias | -a
The alias of the target which needs to be modified. (required)
--authtype | -m
Provides authentication type for the target. Supported authentication types are [No-Authentication, CHAP, CHAP-Mutual]
--initiator-add | -A
Specify initiator iSCSI names or initiator groups to be added to the list of initiators that can access this target. Multiple initiator iSCSI names and initiator groups can be added using format -A initiator1 -A initiator2.
--initiator-remove | -R
Specify initiator iSCSI names or initiator groups to be removed from the list of initiators that can access this target. Multiple initiator iSCSI names and initiator groups can be added using format -R initiator1 -R initiator2.
--interface | -n
The name of the new network interface through which the target is accessible.
--location | -L
Specify target affinity location with a given fault domain in stretched cluster mode, and the option is {Preferred, NonPreferred, Default}.
--mutual-secret | -S
The secret an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--mutual-userid | -U
The user name an initiator uses to authenticate a target. Required if authentication type is CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--new-alias | -N
The new alias of the target.
--policy | -P
New vSAN storage policy for target namespace, in the form of a string. Please check 'esxcli vsan policy setdefault --help' for details on policy options.
--port | -p
The port number of the network port through which the target is accessible
--secret | -s
The secret a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
--userid | -u
The user name a target uses to authenticate an initiator. Required if authentication type is CHAP or CHAP-Mutual. (secret)
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vsan iscsi target lun add Add a new vSAN iSCSI LUN to specified target
--alias | -a
An optional alias for LUN. Can be used to indicate additional info about the LUN.
--id | -i
The optional ID of the LUN [0..255]. If not provided, next free identifier will be used. If provided, ID must be unique within target.
--policy | -P
vSAN storage policy for LUN, in the form of a string. Please check 'esxcli vsan policy setdefault --help' for more detail on policy options.
--size | -s
Size of the LUN object. Eg: 5GB. Supported units: MB, GB, TB, MiB, GiB, TiB. (required)
--target | -t
Name of the vSAN iSCSI target to which the LUN will be added. (required)
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vsan iscsi target lun get Get configuration for vSAN iSCSI LUN
--id | -i
The ID for the LUN. (required)
--target | -t
The iSCSI Target alias. (required)
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vsan iscsi target lun list List vSAN iSCSI LUNs in specified target.
--target | -t
The alias of the vSAN iSCSI target whose LUNs should be listed. (required)
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vsan iscsi target lun remove Remove a vSAN iSCSI LUN from specified target.
--force | -f
Clean the LUN from config file forcibly regardless whether successfully deleting the backing vSAN object. Orphan objects might be left due to this option.
--id | -i
Identifier of the LUN to be removed. (required)
--target | -t
Name of the vSAN iSCSI target from which the LUN will be removed. (required)
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vsan iscsi target lun set Update configuration for given vSAN iSCSI target LUN.
--alias | -a
The new alias for the LUN. Can be used to indicate additional info about the LUN.
--id | -i
The ID of the LUN. (required)
--new-id | -n
The new ID of the LUN [0..255]. If provided, ID must be unique within this target.
--new-target | -T
New target name that the LUN moved to. LUN ID might be changed after moved to the new target.
--policy | -P
New policy for LUN, in the form of a string. Please check 'esxcli vsan policy setdefault --help' for more detail on policy options.
--size | -s
The new size of the LUN object with optional units. If provided, it should be greater than existing size i.e. LUNs are only allowed to grow. Supported unit types are MB, MiB, GB, GiB and TB, TiB (case-insensitive). If not specified, default unit is MiB.
--status | -S
Change the LUN status to [online, offline].
offline: Bring the LUN offline. Offline LUNs are inaccessible. It's allowed to do backup and some disruptive management operations like changing LUN ID when a LUN is offline.
online: Bring the LUN online. Online LUNs are accessible.
--target | -t
Alias of the vSAN iSCSI target for which the LUN needs to be updated. (required)
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vsan maintenancemode cancel Cancel an in-progress vSAN maintenance mode operation.The command is not used for exit host maintenance mode. Please run esxcli system maintenanceMode set -e 0 to exit host maintenance mode
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vsan network clear Clear the vSAN network configuration.
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vsan network list List the network configuration currently in use by vSAN.
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vsan network remove Remove an interface from the vSAN network configuration.
--force | -f
Notify vSAN subsystem of removal, even if not configured.
--interface-name | -i
Interface name. (required)
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vsan network restore Restore the persisted vSAN network configuration.
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vsan network ip add Add an IP interface to the vSAN network configuration.
--agent-mc-addr | -d
IPv4 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-mc-port | -p
Multicast address port for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-v6-mc-addr | -D
IPv6 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--host-uc-port | -c
Unicast address port for host unicast channel.
--interface-name | -i
Interface name. (required)
--master-mc-addr | -u
IPv4 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-mc-port | -o
Multicast address port for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-v6-mc-addr | -U
IPv6 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--multicast-ttl | -t
Time-to-live for multicast packets.
--traffic-type | -T
Network transmission type of vSAN traffic through a virtual network adapter.Supported values are vsan, witness. Type vsan means general vSAN transmission, which is used for both data and witness transmission, if there is no virtual adapter configured with witness traffic type; Type witness indicates that, vSAN vmknic is used for vSAN witness transmission. Once a virtual adapter is configured with witness traffic type, vSAN witness data transmission will stop using virtual adpater with vsan traffic type, and use first dicovered virtual adapter with witness traffic type. Multiple traffic types can be provided in format -T type1 -T type2. Default value is vsan, if this option is not specified.
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vsan network ip remove Remove an IP interface from the vSAN network configuration.
--force | -f
Notify vSAN subsystem of removal, even if not configured.
--interface-name | -i
Interface name. (required)
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vsan network ip set Reconfigure an IP interface in the vSAN network configuration.
--agent-mc-addr | -d
IPv4 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-mc-port | -p
Multicast address port for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-v6-mc-addr | -D
IPv6 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--host-uc-port | -c
Unicast address port for host unicast channel.
--interface-name | -i
Interface name. (required)
--master-mc-addr | -u
IPv4 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-mc-port | -o
Multicast address port for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-v6-mc-addr | -U
IPv6 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--multicast-ttl | -t
Time-to-live for multicast packets.
--traffic-type | -T
Network transmission type of vSAN traffic through a virtual network adapter.Supported values are vsan, witness. Type vsan means general vSAN transmission, which is used for both data and witness transmission, if there is no virtual adapter configured with witness traffic type; Type witness indicates that, vSAN vmknic is used for vSAN witness transmission. Once a virtual adapter is configured with witness traffic type, vSAN witness data transmission will stop using virtual adpater with vsan traffic type, and use first dicovered virtual adapter with witness traffic type. Multiple traffic types can be provided in format -T type1 -T type2. Default value is vsan, if this option is not specified.
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vsan network ipv4 add Add an IP interface to the vSAN network configuration.
--agent-mc-addr | -d
IPv4 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-mc-port | -p
Multicast address port for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-v6-mc-addr | -D
IPv6 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--host-uc-port | -c
Unicast address port for host unicast channel.
--interface-name | -i
Interface name. (required)
--master-mc-addr | -u
IPv4 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-mc-port | -o
Multicast address port for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-v6-mc-addr | -U
IPv6 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--multicast-ttl | -t
Time-to-live for multicast packets.
--traffic-type | -T
Network transmission type of vSAN traffic through a virtual network adapter.Supported values are vsan, witness. Type vsan means general vSAN transmission, which is used for both data and witness transmission, if there is no virtual adapter configured with witness traffic type; Type witness indicates that, vSAN vmknic is used for vSAN witness transmission. Once a virtual adapter is configured with witness traffic type, vSAN witness data transmission will stop using virtual adpater with vsan traffic type, and use first dicovered virtual adapter with witness traffic type. Multiple traffic types can be provided in format -T type1 -T type2. Default value is vsan, if this option is not specified.
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vsan network ipv4 remove Remove an IP interface from the vSAN network configuration.
--force | -f
Notify vSAN subsystem of removal, even if not configured.
--interface-name | -i
Interface name. (required)
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vsan network ipv4 set Reconfigure an IP interface in the vSAN network configuration.
--agent-mc-addr | -d
IPv4 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-mc-port | -p
Multicast address port for agent (also called downstream) group.
--agent-v6-mc-addr | -D
IPv6 multicast address for agent (also called downstream) group.
--host-uc-port | -c
Unicast address port for host unicast channel.
--interface-name | -i
Interface name. (required)
--master-mc-addr | -u
IPv4 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-mc-port | -o
Multicast address port for master (also called upstream) group.
--master-v6-mc-addr | -U
IPv6 multicast address for master (also called upstream) group.
--multicast-ttl | -t
Time-to-live for multicast packets.
--traffic-type | -T
Network transmission type of vSAN traffic through a virtual network adapter.Supported values are vsan, witness. Type vsan means general vSAN transmission, which is used for both data and witness transmission, if there is no virtual adapter configured with witness traffic type; Type witness indicates that, vSAN vmknic is used for vSAN witness transmission. Once a virtual adapter is configured with witness traffic type, vSAN witness data transmission will stop using virtual adpater with vsan traffic type, and use first dicovered virtual adapter with witness traffic type. Multiple traffic types can be provided in format -T type1 -T type2. Default value is vsan, if this option is not specified.
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vsan network security get Get vSAN network security configurations for a subcluster.
--cluster-uuid | -u
Specify the vSAN cluster UUID of the cluster instance which will be displayed, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits.
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vsan network security list List vSAN network security configurations.
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vsan network security set Configure vSAN network security settings for a subcluster.
--cluster-uuid | -u
Specify the vSAN cluster UUID of the cluster instance which will be set, in the form "nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn" where n are hexadecimal digits.
--encryption | -e
Data-in-transit encryption status.
--rekey-interval | -r
Rekey interval for data-in-transit encryption, in minutes. Default interval is 1440, i.e. 24 hours. Minimal interval is 30 minutes and maximum is 10080, i.e. 7 days.
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vsan perf get Gets current status (Enabled or Disabled).
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vsan perf set Set vSAN performance service configuration.
Set status, enabling or disabling vSAN performance service.
Set the collect interval in seconds. This parameter is unsupported and for development use only.
Specify the policy for enabling. Usage example: --policy='(("hostFailuresToTolerate"i0))'
Enable and set the size in MB of RAM disk. This parameter is unsupported and for development use only.
Set the verbose mode value.
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vsan perf diagnostic get Gets current status about diagnostic mode.
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vsan perf diagnostic set Set vSAN diagnostic mode configuration.
Set status, enabling or disabling diagnostic mode. (required)
Set the collect interval in seconds for diagnostic mode.
Enable and set the size in MB of RAM disk for diagnostic mode.
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vsan policy cleardefault Clear default vSAN storage policy values.
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vsan policy getdefault Get default vSAN storage policy values.
--policy-class | -c
vSAN policy class whose default value to get. If not provided, defaults for all classes will be retrieved. Options are: [cluster, vdisk, vmnamespace, vmswap, vmem].
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vsan policy setdefault Set default vSAN storage policy values.
--policy | -p
vSAN policy to set as default, in the form of a string. Options are:
1)cacheReservation - Flash capacity reserved as read cache for the storage object. Specified as a percentage of the logical size of the object. To be used only for addressing read performance issues. Reserved flash capacity cannot be used by other objects. Unreserved flash is shared fairly among all objects. It is specified in parts per million.
Default value: 0, Maximum value: 1000000.
2)forceProvisioning - If this option is "1" the object will be provisioned even if the policy specified in the storage policy is not satisfiable with the resources currently available in the cluster. vSAN will try to bring the object into compliance if and when resources become available.
Default value: 0.
3)hostFailuresToTolerate - Defines the number of host, disk, or network failures a storage object can tolerate. When the fault tolerance method is mirroring: to tolerate "n" failures, "n+1" copies of the object are created and "2n+1" hosts contributing storage are required (if fault domains are configured, "2n+1" fault domains with hosts contributing storage are required). When the fault tolerance method is erasure coding: to tolerate 1 failure, 4 hosts (or fault domains) are required; and to tolerate 2 failures, 6 hosts (or fault domains) are required.
Note: A host which is not part of a fault domain is counted as its own single-host fault domain.
Default value: 1, Maximum value: 3.
4)stripeWidth - The number of HDDs across which each replica of storage object is striped. A value higher than 1 may result in better performance (for e.g when flash read cache misses need to get serviced from HDD), but also results in higher used of system resources.
Default value: 1, Maximum value: 12.
5)proportionalCapacity - Percentage of the logical size of the storage object that will be reserved (thick provisioning) upon VM provisioning. The rest of the storage object is thin provisioned.
Default value: 0%, Maximum value: 100%.
6)iopsLimit - Defines upper IOPS limit for a disk. IO rate that has been serviced on a disk will be measured and if the rate exceeds the IOPS limit, IO will be delayed to keep it under the limit. Zero value means no limit.
Default value: 0.
7)replicaPreference - Defines the method used to tolerate failures. RAID-1 achieves failure tolerance using mirrors, which provides better performance. RAID-5/6 achieves failure tolerance using parity blocks, which provides better space efficiency. RAID-5/6 is only available on All-flash and when the number of failures to tolerate is set to 1 or 2: a value of 1 implies a RAID-5 configuration, and a value of 2 implies a RAID-6 configuration.
Default value: RAID-1.
--policy-class | -c
vSAN policy class whose default value to set. Options are: [cluster, vdisk, vmnamespace, vmswap, vmem]. (required)
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vsan resync bandwidth get Get information about vSAN resync bandwidth in Mbps for the disk group with the heaviest resync workload.
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vsan resync throttle get Get information about vSAN resync throttling
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vsan resync throttle set Configure vSAN resync throttling
Set vSAN resync throttle level in Mbps (integer in the range 0-512, 0 means no throttling) (required)
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vsan storage add Add physical disk for vSAN usage.
--disks | -d
Name of disk devices to be added to a vSAN disk-group as vSAN capacity tier devices. Expects an empty device with no partitions as the device will be partitioned and formatted. Otherwise this operation will fail. The command expects the device name for the disk to be provided, e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.Multiple capacity device can be provided using format -d device1 -d device2 -d device3 (required)
--ssd | -s
Specify a caching device to be added to a vSAN disk-group as vSAN caching tier device. Expects an empty cache device with no partitions in which case the device will be partitioned and formatted. Otherwise this operation will fail. If a cache device which is already added for use by vSAN, is provided along with '-d/--disks', then the disk mentioned with '-d' will be added to the existing disk-group created under this cache device and in which case, the cache device won't be partitioned and formatted. The command expects the device name for the drive to be provided, e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0 using format -s device (required)
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vsan storage list List vSAN storage configuration.
--device | -d
Filter the output of this command to only show a single device with specified device name.
--uuid | -u
Filter the output of this command to only show a single device with specified uuid.
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vsan storage remove Remove physical disks from vSAN disk groups.
--disk | -d
Specify individual hdd to remove from vSAN usage.e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0
--evacuation-mode | -m
Action the vSAN service must take before the host can enter maintenance mode (default noAction). Allowed values are:
ensureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before removing the disk.
evacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before removing it.
noAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before removing it.
--ssd | -s
Specify a disk group's fronting ssd to remove the ssd and each backing hdd from vSAN usage.e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0
--uuid | -u
Specify UUID of vSAN disk.e.g.: 52afa1de-4240-d5d6-17f9-8af1ec8509e5
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vsan storage automode get Get status of storage auto claim mode.
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vsan storage automode set Configure storage auto claim mode
Changing this value to true will result in enabling auto disk claim mode. Disks will be claimed by the vSAN service in next storage event, e.g.: adapter rescan and disk hot-plug. Set to false to disable storage auto claim mode. (required)
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vsan storage diskgroup mount Mount a vSAN disk or disk group.
--disk | -d
Specify the disk to mount for use by vSAN.e.g.: mpx.vmhba0:C0:T1:L0.
--ssd | -s
Specify a disk group's fronting ssd to mount the ssd and each backing hdd for use by vSAN.e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
--uuid | -u
Specify a vSAN UUID of the disk or fronting ssd to mount for use by vSAN.e.g.: 5291022a-ad03-df90-dd0f-b9f980cc005e.
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vsan storage diskgroup rebuild Rebuild vSAN diskgroup.
--evacuation-mode | -m
Specify an action to take upon removing the disk group from VSAN (default noAction).
ensureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the VSAN cluster, before removing the disk.
evacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before removing it.
noAction: Do not move VSAN data out of the disk before removing it.
Skip unhealthy disks.
--ssd | -s
Specify a disk group's fronting SSD to rebuild the SSD and each backing HDD for use by vSAN. E.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
--trim | -t
Specify a trim region for all disks in the diskgroup (default is metaDataOnly). Allowed values are:
fullDisk: Trim the full disks.
metaDataOnly: Only trim the metadata region in the disks.
noTrim: Skip the trim operation.
--uuid | -u
Specify a vSAN UUID of the fronting SSD to rebuild for use by vSAN. E.g.: 5291022a-ad03-df90-dd0f-b9f980cc005e.
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vsan storage diskgroup unmount Unmount vSAN disk or disk group.
--disk | -d
Specify the hdd to unmount from vSAN usage.e.g.: mpx.vmhba0:C0:T1:L0.
--evacuation-mode | -m
Specify an action to take upon unmounting the disk group from vSAN (default NoAction).
EnsureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before unmount the disk.
EvacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before unmounting it.
NoAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before unmount it.
--ssd | -s
Specify a disk group's fronting ssd to unmount the ssd and each backing hdd from vSAN usage.e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
--uuid | -u
Specify a vSAN UUID of the disk or fronting ssd to unmount for use by vSAN.e.g.: 5291022a-ad03-df90-dd0f-b9f980cc005e.
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vsan storage tag add Add a vSAN storage tag.
--disk | -d
Name of the disk to which the tag should be added. (required)
--tag | -t
Tag to be added to disk. Supported tags are [capacityFlash, vsanDirect]. (required)
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vsan storage tag remove Remove a vSAN storage tag.
--disk | -d
Name of the disk from which the tag should be removed. (required)
--tag | -t
Tag to be removed from disk. Supported tags are [capacityFlash, vsanDirect]. (required)
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vsan storagepool add Add physical disk for vSAN usage.
--disk | -d
Name of disk devices to be added to single tier storage pool. Expects an empty device with no partitions as the device will be partitioned and formatted. Otherwise this operation will fail. The command expects the device name for the disk to be provided, e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0. Multiple devices can be provided using format -d device1 -d device2 -d device3. (required)
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vsan storagepool list List vSAN storage pool configuration.
--device | -d
Filter the output of this command to only show a single device with specified device name.
--uuid | -u
Filter the output of this command to only show a single device with specified UUID.
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vsan storagepool mount Mount vSAN disk from storage pool.
--disk | -d
Name of disk to mount from storage pool. e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0. Multiple devices can be provided using format -d device1 -d device2 -d device3.
--uuid | -u
The vSAN UUID of disk to mount from storage pool. e.g.: 52afa1de-4240-d5d6-17f9-8af1ec8509e5. Multiple UUIDs can be provided using format -u uuid1 -u uuid2 -u uuid3.
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vsan storagepool rebuild Rebuild vSAN storage pool disks.
--disk | -d
Name of disk to rebuild for use by vSAN storage pool. E.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
--evacuation-mode | -m
Action to take upon removing storage pool from vSAN (default noAction). Available modes are
EnsureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before removing the disk.
EvacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before removing it.
NoAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before removing it.
--uuid | -u
The vSAN UUID of the disk to rebuild for use by vSAN storage pool. E.g.: 5291022a-ad03-df90-dd0f-b9f980cc005e.
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vsan storagepool remove Remove physical disk from storage pool usage. Exactly one of --disk or --uuid param is required.
--disk | -d
Specify individual vSAN disk to remove from storage pool. e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
--evacuation-mode | -m
Action the vSAN service must take before the disk can be removed (default noAction). Allowed values are:
ensureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before removing the disk.
evacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before removing it.
noAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before removing it.
--force | -f
Forcefully remove unhealthy disk that has run into permanent metadata read/write errors.
Use -f|--force option only if remove disk operation failed repeatedly without force option.
Only 'noAction' evacuation mode is supported with -f|--force option.
--uuid | -u
Specify UUID of vSAN disk to remove from storage pool. e.g.: 52afa1de-4240-d5d6-17f9-8af1ec8509e5.
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vsan storagepool unmount Unmount vSAN disk from storage pool.
--disk | -d
Name of disk to unmount from storage pool. e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
--evacuation-mode | -m
Action to take upon unmounting storage pool from vSAN (default noAction). Available modes are
EnsureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before unmounting the disk.
EvacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before unmounting it.
NoAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before unmounting it.
--force | -f
Forcefully unmount unhealthy disk that has run into permanent metadata read/write errors.
Use -f|--force option only if unmount disk operation failed repeatedly without force option.
Only 'noAction' evacuation mode is supported with -f|--force option.
--uuid | -u
The vSAN UUID of disk to unmount from storage pool. e.g.: 52afa1de-4240-d5d6-17f9-8af1ec8509e5.
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vsan trace get Get the vSAN tracing configuration.
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vsan trace set Configure vSAN trace. Please note: This command is not thread safe.
--domobjnumfiles | -d
Log file rotation for vSAN trace DOM object files.
Maximum size of vSAN DOM object trace files in MB.
--logtosyslog | -l
Boolean value to enable or disable logging urgent traces to syslog.
Log file rotation for vSAN trace LSOM files.
Maximum size of vSAN LSOM trace files in MB.
Log file rotation for vSAN trace LSOM Verbose files.
Maximum size of vSAN LSOM trace verbose files in MB.
--numfiles | -f
Log file rotation for vSAN trace files.
--path | -p
Path to store vSAN trace files.
Log file rotation for vSAN trace PLOG files.
Maximum size of vSAN PLOG trace files in MB.
--reset | -r
When set to true, reset defaults for vSAN trace files.
--size | -s
Maximum size of vSAN trace files in MB.
--urgentnumfiles | -u
Log file rotation for vSAN trace urgent files.
Maximum size of vSAN urgent trace files in MB.
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