ESXCLI Commands

ESXCLI Commands

esxcli graphics Commands

Command Description Options Help
graphics device list List all of the graphics devices on this host.
Get graphics devices configured state.
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graphics device set Set graphics device property. If setting "type", restart Xorg e.g. "/etc/init.d/xorg restart" for change to take effect.
--device-id | -d
The bus ID of the PCI device (e.g., 0000:0f:00.0). (required)
--type | -t
Device graphics type. Allowed types are
Shared: Shared graphics.
SharedPassthru: SharedPassthru graphics.
--vgpu-mode | -m
Vgpu mode. Allowed modes are
MixedSize: Vgpu time-sliced mixed size.
SameSize: Vgpu time-sliced same size.
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graphics device stats list List graphics device statistics.
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graphics host get Get host graphics properties.
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graphics host refresh Refresh host graphics properties.
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graphics host set Set host graphics properties.
Host default graphics type.
Shared passthru assignment policy.
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graphics vm list List active VMs associated with graphics devices.
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