Put Info Type
Ensure that the info or data type named by info_type_id
is registered in the system as a valid data-type for which rApp consumers may make requests.
The name of one data type.
"info_type_information": {
"foo": "bar"
"info_job_data_schema": {
"foo": "bar"
"collectable": false,
"subscription": false
Type specific information for this information type that does not fit in the info_job_data_schema.
A JSON schema describing how job data is queried and delivered.
If true, consumers of this type will have their requests processed through dms data-collection which may engage a caching mechanism if the same job has run before.
If true, consumers of this type will typically register one job and then receive mulitiple notifications from the long run job. Each notification will happen when more data is available. The consumer should be sure to delete the job when no longer needed.
Data type successfully updated.
Data type successfully created.
Data type request body malformed.
"type": "string",
"title": "string",
"status": 400,
"detail": "Required field 'counter_names' missing.",
"instance": "string"
A URI representing the type of the problem.
A short summary of the error.
The HTTP Response code associated with this error.
A detailed description of the error.
An optional URI of the instance involved in the problem.