Get Application Request
Return an application request that match the searching param id for an organization. The id of the organization is fetched from CSP token.
Details of the application request found
"CatalogApplicationRequest Object"
Identifier of the request
Name of the request given by the user
Description of the request given by the user
It contains information about an application in a catalog
Type of the request. The possible values are add or remove
The status of the request based on the status of all the applications in the same request: PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED
The date-time which the request was created
User that created the request
The date-time which the request was updated
User that updated the request
Section to include hyperlinks based on Hypertext Application Language
An error related to the request
"ConstraintsViolationsError Object"
It represents a constraints violation error
The requesting user is not authorized to get the request
"Error403 Object"
Application request not found
"Error404 Object"
An internal server error object
"Error500 Object"
The server is temporarily unavailable
"Error503 Object"
curl -H 'Authorization: <value>' https://{api_host}/v1/catalogs/{catalog_id}/application-requests/{application_request_id}