Disconnect-NsxtServer Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet closes the connection to one or more NSX-T servers.When no servers are specified, and if there is only one connected server in the $defaultNsxtServers variable, this server is disconnected. If there is no connected server, the cmdlet throws a non-terminating error.This functionality is using the reference counting mechanism. For more information about the mechanism, see Connect-NsxtServer.When there are no more active connections to the server, it gets disconnected and then it is removed from the $defaultNsxtServers variable (if it is present). For more information about this variable, see Connect-NsxtServer.If the Force parameter is specified, the server is disconnected even if there is more than one connection to it. The RefCount property of the object is incremented by one.


[-Force ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < CisServer[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
optional Force SwitchParameter named
Specifies that you want to remove all existing connections to the specified NSX-T servers.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server CisServer[] named
  • pipeline
  • wildcards
Specifies the NSX-T servers you want to disconnect from.



Example 1

$server = Connect-NsxtServer -Server 'server_name' -User 'user@domain' -Password 'user_password'
Disconnect-NsxtServer $server -Confirm:$false

Disconnects the specified NSX-T server without asking for confirmation.

Example 2

Connect-NsxtServer -Server 'server_name' -User 'user@domain' -Password 'user_password'
Connect-NsxtServer -Server 'server2_name' -User 'user@domain' -Password 'user_password'
Disconnect-NsxtServer * -Confirm:$false

Disconnects all connected NSX-T servers without asking for confirmation.

Related Commands


This cmdlet establishes a connection to an NSX-T server.

This cmdlet closes the connection to one or more NSX-T servers.