Disconnect-Vcs Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet closes the connection to the servers specified by the Server parameter. When no servers are specified and if there is only one connected server in the $defaultVcsServers variable, this server is disconnected. If there is no connected server, the cmdlet throws a non-terminating error.This functionality uses the reference counting mechanism. For more information about the mechanism, see Connect-Vcs.When there are no more active connections to the server, it gets disconnected and then it is removed from the $defaultVcsServers variable (if it is present). For more information about this variable, see Connect-Vcs.If the Force parameter is specified, the server is disconnected even if there is more than one connection to it. The RefCount property of the object is incremented by one.


[-Force ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < CisServer[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
optional Force SwitchParameter named
Specifies that you want to remove all existing connections to the specified VMware Cloud on AWS servers.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server CisServer[] named
  • pipeline
  • wildcards
Specifies the VMware Cloud on AWS servers you want to disconnect from.



Example 1

$connection = ConnectVcs -RefreshToken $myRefreshToken
Disconnect-Vcs -Server $connection -Confirm:$false

Disconnects the specified VMware Cloud on AWS server without asking for confirmation.

Example 2

$connection = ConnectVcs -RefreshToken $myRefreshToken
Disconnect-Vcs -Server '*' -Force -Confirm:$false

Forces the disconnect operation for all connected VMware Cloud on AWS servers without asking for confirmation.

Related Commands


This cmdlet establishes a connection to a Cloud Services server.

This cmdlet closes the connection to the servers specified by the Server parameter.