Configure Replication
Use this workflow to configure a replication.
1. Search for VMs that are suitable for a replication.
GET /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/vms
- Query parameter suitable_for_replication should be true
2. Choose VMs.
3. For each VM, get disks:
GET /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/vms/{vm_id}/disks
4. Optionally, for each VM, check capabilities if replication is supported and what are the supported replication settings:
GET /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/vms/{vm_id}/capability
5. Request storage policies at the target vCenter Server:
GET /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/storage-policies
6. Choose a storage policy. If default storage policy will be used, then set destination_storage_policy_id in the resulting ConfigureReplicationSpec to null.
7. Search for possible target datastores at the target vCenter Server:
GET /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/datastores
8. Choose a target datastore.
9. Optionally check the selected target datastore's compliance against the selected target storage policy.
POST /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/storage-policies/{storage_policy_id}/actions/check-compliance
- Pass the chosen datastore IDs as a body to the endpoint
10. Optionally search for seeds at the target vCenter Server for the chosen target datastore from step 8:
POST /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/datastores/{datastore_id}/actions/find-seeds
- Pass spec based on the VM disks retrieved in step 3
b. Or browse the datastore to select manually seed folder/file
POST /{pairing_id}/vcenters/{vcenter_id}/datastores/{datastore_id}/actions/browse
- Pass spec for specific type and path of files/folders
11. Construct ConfigureReplicationSpec.
12. Create a replication.
POST /{pairing_id}/replications
The ID of the pairing between this vSphere Replication server and the remote one.
List of replication settings to replicate VMs.
"quiesce_enabled": false,
"rpo": 0,
"network_compression_enabled": false,
"mpit_enabled": false,
"mpit_instances": 0,
"mpit_days": 0,
"auto_replicate_new_disks": false,
"target_replication_server_id": "HmsRemoteHbrServer:HBRSRV-1924009b-0562-433d-8db9-082141ac04cd:067878e6-2ff0-41eb-928c-5e91492a7b29",
"lwd_encryption_enabled": false,
"vm_data_sets_replication_enabled": false,
"disks": [
"vm_disk": {
"vm_id": "VirtualMachine:vm-80:e594ad24-5f75-41e3-a276-88a2116dbed0",
"device_key": 0,
"is_vm_home": false,
"encrypted": false,
"capacity": 0,
"source_disk_format": "string",
"source_path": {
"datastore_id": "Datastore:datastore-16:ff4a23e7-2fed-4be0-be39-479ae372badd",
"datastore_name": "local-datastore",
"path": "/path/to/folder",
"filename": "vmDisk1.vmdk"
"source_storage_policy_name": "string",
"source_storage_policy_id": "dsbrowser.defaultStoragePolicy",
"label": "string",
"controller_key": 0,
"controller_label": "string",
"supported_for_replication": false
"enabled_for_replication": false,
"use_seeds": false,
"destination_storage_policy_id": "dsbrowser.defaultStoragePolicy",
"destination_path": "my_vm_seeds_folder/my_vm_disk_1.vmdk",
"destination_datastore_id": "Datastore:datastore-16:ff4a23e7-2fed-4be0-be39-479ae372badd",
"destination_disk_format": "string"
"target_vc_id": "ff4a23e7-2fed-4be0-be39-479ae372badd",
"vm_id": "VirtualMachine:vm-80:e594ad24-5f75-41e3-a276-88a2116dbed0"
Configure replication tasks
"list": [
"id": "string",
"description": "string",
"description_id": "string",
"entity": "string",
"entity_name": "string",
"status": "string",
"error": {
"message": "string",
"details": "string"
"progress": 0,
"queued_time": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"complete_time": "string"
"_meta": {
"errors": [
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"field": "string"
"total": 0,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 0,
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "string"
"self": {
"href": "string"
"previous": {
"href": "string"
Bad request - the server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax or invalid request body content
"error_code": "string",
"message": "string",
"op_id": "string"
Unauthorized - the client must authenticate itself to get the requested response
Forbidden - not sufficient access rights to fulfill the request
"error_code": "string",
"message": "string",
"op_id": "string"
Not Found - server cannot find the requested in URL resource
Internal server error - unexpected condition prevents fulfilling the request
"error_code": "string",
"message": "string",
"op_id": "string"